- Comment on Okay, but Mötley is a pretty awesome name. 11 months ago:
My nephew is named Levi and I 100% plan on calling him Leviathan when he’s a bit older. I hope my brother hates it! Haha
- Comment on What's your favorite game you played this year? (Doesn't have to be released this year ) 1 year ago:
Have you heard about the London mod coming out sometime next year? It’s massive and looks awesome! Can’t wait to try that!
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Just filter out glass and LED in your search. There are plenty of plain black towers. They’re usually pretty cheap too, I think mine was $20.
- Comment on Crescent Rolls - Rare Vihart post 1 year ago:
Don’t forget about her surrealist second channel “vihartvihart”! I think there’s been a couple of new posts there as well.
- Comment on Did Amazon change their theme colors or did I unknowingly change them myself? 1 year ago:
Wow, it must have just changed over! Earlier it was teal, and now it’s green.
- Comment on Did Amazon change their theme colors or did I unknowingly change them myself? 1 year ago:
In the app or desktop site? On the app it’s been that way for a while, like a seafoam green, no idea how long it’s been that color. The desktop site looks dark green right now, that’s new. Probably for the holidays.
- Comment on Its most common use case is interrupting games 1 year ago:
On the other hand, if you do want to type like that on a phone, double-tap the caps button and it stays capitalized. (I don’t know if this works on all phones).
- Comment on Here's what a random person on the internet thought of The Outer Worlds 1 year ago:
This is one of those games that I started playing and put down and went back to and played through entirely. I really wanted to play it because I loved The Stupendium’s song “The Fine Print”. I was recently diagnosed with ADHD and medicated, I didn’t think this would effect how I play games, but it allowed me to stay focused on the game and actually play it all the way through. I was able to thoroughly explore the game without getting distracted by picking up items, getting lost, forgetting the plot or quest line.
My favorite things about the game were the silly jingles and overall style of everything. The slogans and stylized art really made it feel retro-futuristic and dystopian. Everyone knows the companies are bad, but it’s all they have, so they have to put on a smile and deal with it. The choices you face make you think about the consequences (what’s right vs corporate greed, mostly). In my play-through I tried to do all of the “right” choices and stay on everyone’s good side, be the “hero”. I did every side quest and companion story line, so it took a while to complete, but it was nice to completely finish a game for once. The next time I play, I think I’ll do a more “evil” approach to see more story lines. I really enjoyed all the mementos and trinkets you collect for the ship, it was nice to read little snippets about them and the companions. I really think it was the little things about the game that I enjoyed the most. Fighting enemies wasn’t hard, especially with companions. I didn’t use their special abilities, (I don’t think I knew how to) so I missed out on the small comment scenes you mentioned.
Unfortunately, I played it on PS4, so the worst thing was load times. Every loading screen took forever. The further into the game, the longer they took. At one point the game crashed and I had to re-download to get it to work again, luckily this didn’t effect the save game. But it happened a couple of times, which was worrying. Hopefully I can get the PC version for my next play-through. I played on easy mode because I’m horrible at FPS and I have to say, the amount of ammo you’re given is excessive, even for easy mode. I had thousands of rounds of ammo for all ammo types. I don’t think I reached the storage limit, but it was close.
Great review, you summed up the story line and game style very eloquently! I agree that many quests were tedious fetch-quests, this was very annoying and obvious playing on PS4 with the load screens. I didn’t realize it was advertised as a follow up to New Vegas, but I had heard that it was made by some of the people that worked on it, which you point out is not exactly the case. Regardless, they did a wonderful job on this game and while it’s not perfect, it is a great story that I enjoyed! Coincidentally enough, I started New Vegas last night and expect to enjoy it as much as this game, if not more. I’d always heard amazing things about it, but never got around to playing.