- Comment on Tom Cruise Set For Doug Liman's "Deeper" - Dark Horizons 3 months ago:
I’ll watch another underwater scifi film. I watch them all.
- Comment on Don't Engage with Trolls 5 months ago:
I’ve always thought it was so funny when people say tHe aLgOrItHM like it’s a bad word or something. I know they mean social media & marketing, but it’s funny to think that they’re very concerned about something like bubble sort.
- Comment on Expert 5 months ago:
Hard for me to gauge “lesser known” without knowing what you’ve seen, but here are some I have enjoyed:
Raw (2016) I See You (2019) The Autopsy (2022) - not feature length Hell House, LLC (2015) Pontypool (2008)
- Comment on /əˈməʊɡəs/ 6 months ago:
I feel like the one thing missing from this is that the term is supposed to sound like how a snot-nosed kid would say it, hence the letter r being dropped.
- Comment on I've bean missing these memes 6 months ago:
JoJo whispering to Emma Roberts in the movie Aquamarine (2006).
- Comment on So sick! 6 months ago:
You can do t-shirts for $10 with even smaller runs than that. I’ve done batches of 50 or less at $10 a pop going with a local screenprinter. This is usually 1 or 2 colors.
- Comment on Cords 6 months ago:
Thanks! I didn’t realize the difference between AC and DC.
- Comment on Cords 6 months ago:
Ah I see. You can tell I don’t know much about this lol. I figured it was like DC.
- Comment on Cords 6 months ago:
I don’t know much about circuits but could you switch the polarity to make this work?
- Comment on And wouldn't you know it, he's unavailable this weekend for my uncle's funeral. 8 months ago:
Years ago the punk band Treephort turned this billboard into a song:
- Comment on That's just what happens. It's life. 8 months ago:
He actually is pretty heavyset in his role in The Exorcism, which just came out. I don’t know if it was intentional but it certainly fits with his character in the film.
- Comment on These notifications are bundled together for some reason. So if I want to be notified when my subscriptions renew themselves, I have to also be notified of random games going on sale, too. 9 months ago:
Wow this is unethical. They should all be separate toggles.
- Comment on Saw this and thought it was fake until I googled. It's real. 9 months ago:
Uhhhh nope but I could see how that would be bad
- Comment on Saw this and thought it was fake until I googled. It's real. 9 months ago:
I worked at an ice cream shop in the early 2000s that did this for cub scouts. They had a great time and got free ice cream. It’s not like we were actually making them work, lol. It’s a novelty experience for children.
- Comment on 6 Reasons So Many Movies Are Struggling At The Box Office In 2024 9 months ago:
A Regal cinema that I go to is also somewhat in disrepair. I’m guessing the theater chains aren’t very interested in paying money to keep them up. Every time I go there are maybe 5 people in a single theater.
- Comment on Who is subscribing to Game Pass, PS Plus and Nintendo Switch Online, and why? 9 months ago:
I have gamepass and I’m happy with it. I tend to dabble in a lot of games instead of playing one game for a long time.
One new game costs $60 to purchase. For me personally there is little chance I will be playing it 4 months from now.
Alternatively I can pay for gamepass and play any of those games for $15 a month. They only situation where this ends up being a worse deal is if I only play one game for more than four months, which so far has not happened for me.
I realize that doesn’t make sense for everyone, though.
- Comment on Long time 11 months ago:
Someone posted about Americans being able to drive for like 13 hours in Texas and still be in Texas. The punchline was that Europeans can’t comprehend it. Then a bunch of euro memes came out showing similar distances in Europe.
Perhaps related, there was a news post today about an effort to develop a standardized system for time on the moon.
- Comment on I used to be with it, then they changed what "it" is 11 months ago:
We say CHA in my D&D group when talking about the stat, but I’m gonna start saying rizz at the table and see how people react.
- Comment on ))<>(( 11 months ago:
Yeah I totally agree. You can minimize and optimize as part of your build procedure/compilation but the source code should be as readable as possible for humans.
- Comment on Best printer 2024, best printer for home use, office use, printing labels, printer for school, homework printer you are a printer we are all printers 11 months ago:
I have the same issue. When I start printing on my brother printer, the lights flicker 😨
Great printer, though
- Comment on back to the drawing board 1 year ago:
Turns out it’s real:…/rec.14139
The video recording shows animal behavior. Not the urination lol.
- Comment on Future of American Dream 🏡 1 year ago:
Two people who share bedroom can use bathrooms at the same time
- Comment on The library where my wife works is having a Black Friday sale. 1 year ago:
Yeah I get the kanopy streaming service through my local library. It’s awesome.
- Comment on Its most common use case is interrupting games 1 year ago:
Eh, many people use computers but are not the ones who installed the operating system (e.g. work, school, library, etc.). I think it’s likely more accessible to be able to enable the feature at any time, if needed. In my experience pressing shift five times generally only happens to me when playing games. I don’t know how often it pops with normal web browsing, email, etc.
- Comment on Halloween Decoration: Lvl 💯 🎃 1 year ago:
This isn’t even really a Halloween decoration
- Comment on Open source P2P alternative to Slack and Discord built on Tor and IPFS 1 year ago:
Yeah, the documentation says that’s the case.