- Comment on fungus 11 months ago:
Antibiotics fight bacteria. This isn’t a science meme.
- Comment on Farewell MatPat Its been an honor with you O7 1 year ago:
Who is this?
Am I old?
- Comment on The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion 1 year ago:
I forgot to buy anything from my wishlist during the steam sale, so I’ve been playing Libby.
- Comment on Anon is an alpha 1 year ago:
If these things are real, I don’t want to know
- Comment on Strange New Worlds 1 year ago:
I’m grateful for SNW. For years people told me “Discovery isn’t a bad show, you just don’t like new Star Trek”.
- Comment on Prevent: Rise in climate activists referred to anti-terror scheme 1 year ago:
It’s not terrorism, it’s self defense
- Comment on What's a word that means a common saying which is arguably untrue? 1 year ago:
- Comment on Steam Winter Sale is coming(Today), along with voting in the Steam Awards 1 year ago:
No idea, but I heard great things about the campaign
- Comment on Steam Winter Sale is coming(Today), along with voting in the Steam Awards 1 year ago:
I’m finally going to buy Titanfall 2
- Comment on 1 year ago:
I just have a kindle that’s never been connected to Amazon. Calibre + USB to add and remove books. I get not wanting to use Amazon, but the hardware is cheap and solid.
- Comment on Twitter Moment 1 year ago:
Marvel studios has definitely cut ties with Ezra Miller
- Comment on Star Trek Resurgence Giveaway 1 year ago:
I used to love the Star Trek: The Next Generation Interactive Technical Manual.
- Comment on Recommend a game for me to play with my partner 1 year ago:
It’s $15. Buy it, start a co-op game on the switch and hand them a controller.
Trust me.
- Comment on Recommend a game for me to play with my partner 1 year ago:
Stardew valley
- Comment on Be responsible today 1 year ago:
It’s a Kline bottle
- Comment on Baldur's Gate 3 Patch 2 will be "chonky," with fixes for performance issues and other issues 1 year ago:
It’s worth the money.
- Comment on Introducing the Epic First Run program 1 year ago:
Remember when Epic opened and started a huge astroturfing campaign against Valve for taking 30% commission?
Years later the Epic store is still trash without basic features, and now they are pushing for exclusivity.
- Comment on Soaking in the worst air quality in the world 1 year ago:
Nothing compared to September 2020. AQI was off the charts bad.
- Comment on There's a steep decline in pay compared to the value workers add to the economy, closely tracking the fall in union membership. 1 year ago:
I’m not an economist, and definitely not a gold bug. I mostly reference that website as confirmation that something really did shift in the American economy. I don’t necessarily think it’s related to the gold standard.
I think of it more like a tipping point, the wheels of capitalism started mining the prosperity of the American citizens faster than it was being produced. The harder we’ve worked to try and catch up, the more wealth was generated to take away. Everything is pushed to the point of failure. The entire economy runs on borrowing money, so there’s no incentive to have Americans save anything ever.
Behind everything that’s causing people misery there is an industry making record profits. As time goes on the machine just seems to get more cruel and more efficient. We’re all one healthcare disaster away from losing everything.
I definitely don’t think that’s the fault of the gold standard. I blame the Cold war. At some point we decided that capitalism is defined as anything that makes money and communism is anything the government does to help people. Capitalism is always good, communism is always bad. And here we are 50 some years later.
The people living in tents exist as a warning to the workforce. Keep working for whatever you’re offered, or you will lose everything. You will lose your health care, you will lose your home, you will lose anything you have managed to save or build and be despised by society for having a moral failing. Rent keeps going up, food prices keep going up, but there’s no money in the record profit producing budget to give you a cost of living raise.
Anyway, I think the website is a good tool for demonstrating how the world no longer works to benefit people. But I blame the Cold war rather than the gold standard.
- Comment on There's a steep decline in pay compared to the value workers add to the economy, closely tracking the fall in union membership. 1 year ago:
- Comment on People who back into parking spots: Why? 1 year ago:
Used to work at UPS. It’s a weird culture thing