- Comment on Diamond market 1 month ago:
That makes sense. It wasn’t coming across in the earlier comments.
- Comment on Diamond market 1 month ago:
Yes, but a clear crystal is a clear crystal.
No, different materials have different refractive indices, even if they’re both “clear crystals.” Maybe the examples given are very close in refractive index, but they still differ, therefore split light differently. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_refractive_indices
I’m not saying it’s the entire difference, but it certainly comes into play. It could be that the more “explosive” light example is cut identically, but held slightly askew versus the others.
Point is, it’s not just the cut that impacts the result.
- Comment on Diamond market 1 month ago:
Isn’t it both shape and material? The refractive index of the material is important in determining how much the light bends at the interface.
- Comment on Antenna mounted in attic? 3 months ago:
I was thinking about putting my 2m antenna in the attic, I didn’t think about metal though. I have asphalt shingles but I have solar panels basically covering the south face. I’m guessing the brackets, panels, and wiring will all add up to my plan not panning out well.
- Comment on What games do you replay regularly/annually ? 11 months ago:
Zelda 2.
It’s divisive, but I like it. I have fond memories of playing that game with my dad when I was young. When we reached the great palace, I died so quickly that he once got up early and started playing at 5am to farm extra lives for me. I went into the palace with 26 extra lives.
…I didn’t die at all on that run.
I still play it about once per year. In fact, I just finished it again about a week ago. I want to play the remade fan game, I just haven’t had time to sit and get it setup.
- Comment on Cloudflare Employee records her final meeting where HR tries to fire her 1 year ago:
My first job out of college was for an global company. I was there just over one year when they announced they were outsourcing us. On the day of announcement, there were two meetings. One way getting hired by the outsourcer, the other was being let go at some point in the next year (after turnover). Since subset of the let go group was booted that day.
It was a great lesson to learn early in my career.
My loyalty to my employer extends to the 40 hours they pay me. I accept my on call week three times per year, because I’m in IT and that’s just how it goes. But past that, I don’t care. I do, however, appreciate and enjoy my coworkers. We are friends, and no one abuses that friendship. I would miss working with them if I left, but that’s not enough to keep me where I am. I’ve been looking, but not terribly seriously. For the most part I’m left to manage my stuff, and I don’t get too much hassle from above. There is, however, a ton of corporate BS these days.
- Comment on Workers are not valuable 1 year ago:
If in the US, generally that would be an FMLA issue. But given the size of the company, FMLA doesn’t apply. As I recall, it only applies to companies bigger than 25 or 50 employees. I used to work for a small MSP, and we had about 20 employees. I had no guarantee of any parental leave when my kid was born, so I had to work remotely and take PTO to cover my time off. It was not how I wanted it to go.
- Comment on You didn't bought it you rented it! 1 year ago:
My washer has a delay timer on it. Is that not a common option?
I also have an option to start a small fan and spin the drum every few minutes, so it keeps wet clothes from getting mildewy. I use that every time, so I don’t have nasty clothes when I inevitably forget to swap stuff into the dryer.
- Comment on You didn't bought it you rented it! 1 year ago:
You’re not wrong, but why the hell does a washing machine need to be Internet connected in the first place?
And since the first answer is always “So it can tell me when the cycle is done,” set a frickin timer if it’s that big of a deal.