- Comment on Box Office: ‘Megalopolis’ Crumbles With $4 Million, ‘The Wild Robot’ Lands at No. 1 With $35 Million 5 months ago:
I saw Wild Robot with my kids and it was surprisingly very good. We all loved it.
- Comment on Anon gets a nickname 9 months ago:
Of course there was, we were immature high schoolers in the early 2000’s. Long story short, he got a boner while smoking weed in a car with 4 dudes.
- Comment on Anon gets a nickname 9 months ago:
I had a friend in highschool who was given the nickname “Boner”. I know his real name but I’ve never used it. I still refer to him as boner now, 15 years later.
- Comment on The First Borderlands Movie Clip Looks Like An SNL Skit 9 months ago:
Hollywood always fucks up movies based on games. I’m not expecting anything different with this movie.
- Comment on No one should have to “grow a thicker skin”: Valorant studio commit to harsh penalties for harassment 9 months ago:
Where did I say it was ok? It’s obviously not ok, that goes without saying. You seem to be focused on what happened and missing my point. This is the reality of the internet. It’s been that way my whole life. As long as you can remain anonymous people will do horrible shit. They can ban as many players as they want, it’s not going to change shit. The solution is not to force people to behave because that will never work.
- Comment on No one should have to “grow a thicker skin”: Valorant studio commit to harsh penalties for harassment 9 months ago:
I grew up with the internet, I’ve heard it all. My experience was far from perfect. I just learned to deal with it and not expect the whole internet to change because it hurt my feelings. There’s a long list of solutions to this problem. Block them, mute them, don’t engage, log off, create a new account, etc…
At the end of the day, nobody is going to protect you from the bad things that can happen on the internet. It’s up to the individual to protect themselves and not take morons so seriously.
- Comment on No one should have to “grow a thicker skin”: Valorant studio commit to harsh penalties for harassment 9 months ago:
There is no difference. Both of your examples are the same. It’s some dumbass on the internet saying dumb shit. Just block/mute them and move on with your life.
- Comment on No one should have to “grow a thicker skin”: Valorant studio commit to harsh penalties for harassment 9 months ago:
Completely agree. People seem to have thinner and thinner skin these days. Everything is an insult, racism, attack, etc… The internet is not a friendly place, never has been and never will be. If you can’t handle it then maybe you should just not use it or learn not to care so much about what random internet strangers say to you.
Parents, teach your kids to not feed the trolls.
- Comment on Hades 2 early access launch on Steam reaches over 100k concurrent players 24 hours after launch 10 months ago:
You’re getting downvoted but I agree. The first game is one of my most played on Steam and I was invited to the technical test for the second. But I probably won’t be buying it until any time soon. I absolutely hate the trend of buying unfinished products. While this developer is most likely not taking advantage, so many others do. Why should we pay money to beta test your game???
- Comment on Jeff Bridges Returns For "TRON: Ares" - Dark Horizons 10 months ago:
First thing I thought of as well. The Tron Legacy soundtrack is one of my favorite soundtracks of all time. I’ve watched the movie over a dozen times because of it. It’s one of the few soundtracks I listen to as is.
- Comment on "Batch cooking" how do you store meal for the second half of the week ? 11 months ago:
Things last much longer than 2-3 days, I’d say 7 days is the average. I’ve eaten leftovers that were over a week old. It really depends on what it is.
We hate wasting food so we always try it before throwing it out (unless it smells/looks bad or is moldy obviously). If it tastes good we eat it without worry.
- Comment on [Louis Rossmann] Is All Piracy Equal? Exploring Gray Areas: When Is It REALLY "Stealing" ?? 11 months ago:
But what about the potential revenue that the creator would’ve earned if it wasn’t possible to pirate? They would’ve definitely bought it for full price.
- Comment on I have to pay extra to remove ads from Prime Video 1 year ago:
100% agree. The reason we are in this situation is because people are so fucking complacent. They downplay/justify these shitty practices repeatedly and corporations just get away with worse and worse shit.
- Comment on I have to pay extra to remove ads from Prime Video 1 year ago:
I cancelled Prime as soon as I got this email. It was set to renew in February so perfect timing. I also sent them an email to provide some feedback about the change:
I cancelled my membership as soon as I received notification that you would be including ads to a PAID streaming service. I cannot believe that you think asking for more money per month to have an ad free experience is ok. The world is going to shit because of greedy corporations like you. I hope you go bankrupt and Jeff Bezos goes looking for the Titanic in a poorly made submarine.
- Comment on Electric eel 1 year ago:
It was fun actually. They have a place where the stingrays swim up to you and you’re allowed to pet them. I was surprised by how they actually want to get pet. They swim up to the side of the wall and come out of the water to get your attention. Like a little water dog.
Thanks for asking!
- Comment on Electric eel 1 year ago:
I just went to the aquarium. That’s shock is 3x more powerful than a wall outlet.
- Comment on BREAKING NEWS: Amazon workers around the world on strike [2:45 | Nov 24 2023 | Progressive International] 1 year ago:
You’re assuming that your reality is the same for everyone.
- Comment on Is it safe to use pans with peeling nonstick coating? 1 year ago:
Oh, my point wasn’t that a cast iron pan is as non-stick as Teflon. I was simply talking about cast iron upkeep. I have a non stick pan and it’s much better for certain things for sure. But I wash it by hand instead of putting it in the dishwasher.
- Comment on Is it safe to use pans with peeling nonstick coating? 1 year ago:
I cook for a family of four every day and taking 3 minutes to clean my cast iron pan is the least time consuming part of it. You’re being dramatic.
- Comment on Is it safe to use pans with peeling nonstick coating? 1 year ago:
I have a cast iron pan that I’ve used for almost 10 years. I seasoned it when I got it. To clean it, I scrub it with steel wool, dry it off then rub a coat of oil on it. It still looks and works perfectly. Cast iron is extremely easy to clean and upkeep.
- Comment on How to deal with annoying co-worker 1 year ago:
And where will that get me? She is not like the person the OP described. She brushes off that kind of feedback, it’s not something she even realises she’s doing wrong. It’s her personality.
She’s had complaints brought up against her and was passed up for promotions many times. It’s never changed the way she acts. The thought doesn’t even cross her mind that she is being passed up for promotions because of her social skills. We can’t have a manager saying the kinds of things she does, bad enough she’s a supervisor.
- Comment on How to deal with annoying co-worker 1 year ago:
This is very relatable to me. A supervisor in my team has Asperger’s. She has zero social skills. Says very unprofessional things, interrupts conversations and completely changes the topic to something nobody cares about. She is a hoarder and has way too many dogs/cats, her hygiene isn’t the best.
Most of us have worked together for 5+ years and have learned to ignore it as much as possible. It’s clear that she’s not doing this on purpose and doesn’t realize how annoying/rude she can be. I don’t really have a solution for you. This is just something you learn to live with. It’s still very annoying and frustrating to deal with but I don’t think there’s any solution that wouldn’t negatively impact her.
- Comment on Everything to keep disguise 1 year ago:
My distaste for dogs isn’t specific to pitbulls. I need something more inclusive.
- Comment on Everything to keep disguise 1 year ago:
Surprisingly not. It’s about people who never stepped foot outside of a big city and think the entire world can function without cars. They have this crazy idea that without cars, we could just have buses, bike lanes, trains, etc… everywhere.
They don’t realize that this is literally not feasible for many rural areas. There just isn’t enough people to support these services and the distances between locations is too great.
- Comment on Everything to keep disguise 1 year ago:
People complain about all the tankies plaguing Lemmy but I think the real issue is dog worshippers. I should start a community like FuckCars but about dogs instead.
On second thought, that would probably attract people who love dogs a little too much…
- Comment on Is "Burn Notice" worth watching? 1 year ago:
Bruce Campbell makes the show. It’s worth watching just because of him and his character. I enjoyed the whole thing but probably wouldn’t of without my boy Bruce.
- Comment on Why Youtube's recommendations are now days are weird and possible solutions to the issues 1 year ago:
I feel like the algorithm for recommendations hasn’t changed much in years. It’s decent, better than a lot of other recommendation algorithms. The not interested options have always done jack shit. I can’t count how many times I’ve not interested a video and told it I had already watched it. Only for it to consistently recommend me other videos I’ve already watched. You’d think after the 100th time selecting I wasn’t interested in videos I’ve already watched, that it would get the clue.
- Comment on PSA: the largest piracy community is blocked from 1 year ago:
I just make a new account and switch back and forth depending on server stability. As soon as it starts giving me issues I just switch to an account on another instance. It’s pretty quick and easy with the app I’m using (Sync).
- Comment on PSA: the largest piracy community is blocked from 1 year ago:
If wasn’t so popular and people were more spread out, DDOS attacks would be much less impactful.
- Comment on PSA: the largest piracy community is blocked from 1 year ago:
Who cares. sucks. I got tired of the constant server issues and switched a while ago. It took me like 5 minutes to find another instance and create an account. If my new instance does dumb shit like this, I’ll just move again isn’t this the whole point of Lemmy?