- Comment on James Mangold's Star Wars Movie Will Not Be 'Handcuffed By Lore' 1 month ago:
IMO just as likely that the lush jungle world of Tatooine will be the test site for the planet-killing superweapon du jour.
- Comment on [Weekly thread] It's Wednesday, which movies have you been watching? 4 months ago:
Recently went to a screening of the 1922 Nosferatu with a live accompanist creating an improvised soundtrack on violin, piano and waterphone - which was not an instrument that I had not encountered before, but evidently features in the score of The Matrix, Aliens and a range of other films. I can certainly see why - it was extremely atmospheric. I had seen Nosferatu a couple of times before - as well as the 1979 Herzog version, and Shadow of the Vampire (2000) - but this definitely added something new.
- Comment on The 42 year old new hire at your job confesses to you that he has had 48 different jobs in his life. What is your opinion on that? 5 months ago:
By that age, I was into my third long-term job (> 5 years) and had had upwards of 16 short term ones - multiple part time ones at once, or some just for a few weeks or a couple of months here and there between the long-term ones etc.
48 doesn’t seem that unlikely - nor even an indicator that they will not be staying put for any length of time unless your job is a shitty one with a high turnover anyway.
- Comment on Has there been a depiction of fast food on a space station? 6 months ago:
Doctor who (2005) s01e07 - Kronkburgers on Satellite 5 in the opening scenes.
- Comment on [Discussion] Of all the films you’ve gone into blind, which one truly stands out as your favorite find? 6 months ago:
Excluding pretty much everything that I saw as a kid - when you go into basically everything blind - it would be After Hours (1985). I either hadn’t read anything about it or hadn’t been paying attention. Standing outside the cinema, I just saw that it was by Scorsese and went in.
I still think that it is one of his most under-appreciated films. And I loved the Ted Lasso homage, combining it with the Divine Comedy.
- Comment on Time Bandits (2024, showrunners Jemaine Clement and Iain Morris) 8 months ago:
He has been involved to the extent of commenting on the “shortage of dwarves”, but otherwise seemed fairly supportive IIRC.
I am torn. One the one hand I automatically expect it not to be a patch on the original, but on the other, there are several people involved who I enjoy, and I must say that the trailer does seem to have hit the right notes.
I am definitely going to give it a try.
- Comment on Did your taste in movies change over time? How did it evolve from your 20s, to your 30, 40's and beyond? 10 months ago:
Oh yes, very much - and not just with movies, but TV, novels, stage performance and the like.
As a kid, it was just the overall visuals and spectacle as much as anything - details of the plot were secondary. Into my teens and early twenties and think that plot details came to dominate and after that exploring interesting concepts began to take priority. Then I guess that I began to appreciate the production side of things more: writing quality and cinematography etc maybe into my 30s and 40s. And these days (in my 50s) I am much more focused on character-driven things.
- Comment on Two UK water companies lack complete maps of sewage networks 10 months ago:
That implies that the others have got complete maps - which I find much more surprising. Every time that I have had any dealings with any utility companies - which I do as part of my job - it becomes apparent very early on that they don’t have anything like accurate maps in whatever area I am looking at. And not just for old lines that they inherited - as seems to be the issue here - but for things like fibre optics that I saw them lay myself just 18 months earlier.
- Comment on why did the eclipse not darken proportionally? 11 months ago:
Without looking for sources - so I could be totally wrong - I believe that it did darken proportionately and that light meters would register that. However, human eyes are not light meters and adjust to the dimmer light without you knowing.
- Comment on What is your most watched movie, and how many times did you watch it? 11 months ago:
Difficult to say. I’ve never been one to fixate on a single film for long. The ones below are likely candidates for various reasons though. I must have seen each at least 6 times. Probably none of them more than a dozen though.
• The Fellowship of the Ring (2001)
• Star Wars/A New Hope (1977)
• Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975)
• Mon Oncle (1958)
• The Ladykillers (1955)
• The Third Man (1949) - Comment on What have you been watching this week? 7th of April 11 months ago:
Uproar (2023) - a New Zealand coming of age tale. There are no surprises here. You know exactly what you are getting right from the start, but it is solidly and engagingly done, with some some good performances from Jash Waaka and Rhys Darby particularly.
House of Flying Daggers (2004) - continuing my SO’s wuxia fad at the moment. This one looks wonderful and has some great set pieces early on but then runs out of ideas and drifts to a stop in a morass of repetitive melodrama and loose ends. Very pretty but frustratingly unsatisfying.
A Gentleman in Moscow - the pick of the crop at the moment with Ewan McGregor and Alexa Goodall both both proving charming in their respective roles. The tales balences the pre-revolutionry culture, the bolshevic ideals and the grim reality well - although glamourising the former quite a bit, at least initially.
Renegade Nell - this has a lot of positive reviews, and i certainly enjoyed the writer’s Gentleman Jack, but on the basis of the first episode it seemed to be tonally all over the place, as though the writer had one thing in mind but the director, or studio bosses or someone were trying for something totally different. I found it pretty off-putting and am not sure whether I’ll continue.
Extraordinary - I thoroughly enjoyed season 1 and am glad to see that season 2 is keeping it up. Some of the novelty value of the superpowers in season 1 has been replaced by more emphasis on the individual characters this time round, but the comedy is definitely still on point.
- Comment on Have you ever seen coal in real life? 11 months ago:
I don’t know whether it was you, but I have responded to this same question on Lemmy before.
Yes. We had a coal fire when I was growing up - in the 60s and 70s -, so it was an everyday thing during the winters.
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- UK quits treaty that lets fossil fuel firms sue governments over climate ↗Submitted 1 year ago to | 0 comments
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- ‘It is shameful’: why the return of Victorian-era diseases to the UK alarms health ↗Submitted 1 year ago to | 2 comments
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- Comment on [Weekly thread] What have you been watching lately? 15th February 2024 1 year ago:
Highlights from this week:
TV - Here We Go season 2 - The initial one-off special was one of the best things to come out of COVID in terms of TV (with the first season of Staged being the other (and taking prime position)). Season 1 didn’t reach the same heights, but was still pretty entertaining. The first couple of episodes of S2 have both been winners again as far as I am concerned.
TV - The New Avengers - the '70s follow-up to the classic ‘60s show. It never recaptured the magic of the Steed and Mrs Peel years, but it did have Joanna Lumley, which counts for a lot in my book. The opener also had Peter Cushing, so there’s that. I enjoyed it back in the day, but I doubt that we’ll do more than dip into a couple of eps this time around.
Film - The Holdovers - a well written dramady that did nothing original in the way of plot, but peeled back the characters’ layers to show that you can never know what people are living with. A well told tale with plenty to engage the viewer.
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 1 comment
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