🤞🏻🇺🇦 ✌🏻🙏🏻 🤜🏻👈🏿 🐧🖥
- Comment on BrewDog abandons its pledge to be 'carbon negative' in latest crisis 7 months ago:
I’m not a craft beer neckbeard but I’ve been an ale drinker since late 90’s as larger is shite and gives me heartburn.
Every brand has a PR stance so i dgaf what their marketing says, I like most of their beers, some have odd flavours and I just don’t get them ones. Never been in their over priced restaurants and probably never will. The claims being made here are pretty shitty if true and glad Watt stepped down, kinda hope they short stuff out though just so I can keep drinking the beers of theirs I like, so long as they come in 500ml can, screw this 330ml trend for the same price as 500ml !!
- Comment on UK farmers vow to mount more blockades over cheap post-Brexit imports 1 year ago:
I’ll just say what we all heard from the ones we know. Most brits that voted for brexit were only looking at the obvious and well discussed xenophobic benefits.
Those of us who thought at a critical level did not vote for it.
Now, the full shit show is being seen and felt it’s only gonna affect more, so get used to it.
- Comment on No excuse for shoplifting because UK's benefits system is very generous, policing minister says 1 year ago:
Generous, wtf they’ve actively reduced the amount even before inflation and also reduced the amount disabled people can claim whilst also changing the rules to ensure fewer people meet the rules to be able to claim.
Don’t forget food banks were set up due to the above before inflation.
Fukn Tory scum has been attacking the welfare state for decades.
- Comment on How's everyone's pets doing tonight? 1 year ago:
My f7 Savannah watches from the window sill. Chirps and meows at each one. Gets scared shitless when the doorbell goes though!
- Comment on Man tries to kill himself after hearing of move to Bibby Stockholm 1 year ago:
I hate my government more every day.
- Comment on Bee-killing pesticides banned in EU found at unsafe levels in English rivers 1 year ago:
No surprises there, we took brexit as a thumbs up to do whatever the fuck we want and became a true cuntry!
- Comment on More than half of dilapidated English schools were refused rebuilding money 1 year ago:
Well done rishi, screwed us as chancellor and now following through as a pm. 👍🏻
- Comment on Nitrous oxide: Laughing gas to be illegal by end of year 1 year ago:
Yaaaay another black market. Just what the government needs, gotta keep the black budget funded.
- Comment on The UK’s Ministry Of Defence Denies Knowledge Of UFO Retrieval Programs - Liberation Times 1 year ago:
Rags like the metro are already running the obvious anti subject articles that chose to discredit rather than investigate and report.
So I guess it wont be long until the daily fail and others join in with this line.