- Comment on Resume help 2 months ago:
That’s understandable. I imagine a large section of the user base doesn’t navigate to a specific community to look through posts, and instead just skip through the main feed. I didn’t realise the community until you pointed it out.
While I agree with your sentiment that no one wants to be so bombarded with foreign politics, at the very least the joke that user made was in keeping with the theme of the meme.
Regarding your final question, depending on your method of consuming this content, you may be able to entirely block comments by setting a blacklist of words, perhaps including ‘Republican’ in this case. The same I know is true on most applications for post titles, but I’m just assuming here the same is applicable to comments.
Either way, best wishes with the situation in the fatherland, I do hope to visit some day.
- Comment on Resume help 2 months ago:
If the word ‘Republican’ were omitted, that comment could be applicable in most countries on the planet.
It’s kind of nitpicking anyway, don’t you think? Almost as nitpicky as pointing out when the country of the United States is referred to by the name of the continent it shares with other nations.
- Comment on Is it worth investing if I can only contribute $50 a month? 2 months ago:
Funny how a mistake in a single sentence earns vitriol on the entire comment.
Despite what I’d mistakenly wrote, I meant that to overcome inflation and see a return of double to quadruple your investment - which is what the comment starting this thread suggests as the outcome - you’d have to beat the market by around 10%.
Regardless, my point was more to do with whether someone with only $50 to spare a month is truly in a position to invest in anything or whether they might be better off saving it for a rainy day or something like that.
If someone has a few dollars to spare come month’s end, but has found themselves skipping the odd meal, that money would probably be better spent on a small grocery trip than putting it into an ETF that’ll take years to turn a profit.
- Comment on Is it worth investing if I can only contribute $50 a month? 2 months ago:
Taking a step further, if the last thirty five years are any indication, that future $21k would be worth less than today’s $10k.
Besides, to overcome inflation, you’d need to average double digit returns on your investment every year for half a lifetime.
Like you say, it’s a tough decision if there’s anything that can provide you value now. Not to argue against savings, but expecting it to grow exponentially with no effort is folly.
- Comment on Since when does a clock need a privacy policy? 4 months ago:
I’ve been annoyed by a minor change in the stock Samsung clock app for some time now. I just installed the Fossify one you linked.
Minor nitpick: 24h time doesn’t start with a leading zero.
Everything else seems exactly how it should be.
- Comment on [Tom Warren] The PS5 Pro still hasn’t sold out in the US or UK. Looks like the $700 price point will mean this console will be readily available this holiday 5 months ago:
Not sure why people are beating up on for saying his opinion. Different people value different things.
I think I can answer your question though. Buying a console is a plug and play experience. Building a PC is not. Not everyone has the time, the patience, or the technical experience required to purchase compatible components, assemble the machine, and install the various software.
Anyone that’s ever bought a prepared meal has overpaid in comparison to acquiring the ingredients, prepping them, and cooking the dish. It’s worth the price to do so because I sure as hell don’t want to spend time making a bowl of French onion soup.
- Comment on Boeing proposes 30% wage hike to striking workers in its 'final' offer. 5 months ago:
Funny, I went through the article twice looking for the term length. Maybe I missed it because it’s written and I was looking for a digit. Thanks for pointing that out.
- Comment on Boeing proposes 30% wage hike to striking workers in its 'final' offer. 5 months ago:
This article doesn’t specify, but based on the previous 25% offer, I’m guessing this new and improved proposal is also structured over four years.
New information to me is that the union initially sought a 40% increase. Kind of silly to think that when 90% of your workers decline an offer - any offer - that adding an extra few percent will get you an agreement.
I wrote this before when the union declined the 25% bump, but it bears repeating:
If Boeing were to pay the 40% the union is looking for upon returning to work, and committed to annual salary increases that were double whatever inflation is moving forward, they would have 32,000 employees that would never strike the rest of their careers.
- Comment on Amazon's system marked an item I returned a year ago as not received and charged me for this return, but the chat bot already knew they had received it. 5 months ago:
You just reminded me I’ve got to mail my modem back. Thanks!
- Comment on Texas Sues for Access to Records of Women Seeking Out-of-State Abortions 6 months ago:
How much money is being spent on this I wonder… enough to fix the electrical grid?
- Comment on Is this normal? 6 months ago:
Oddly enough, last year I used dish soap in the laundry for a few months without noticing, and nothing like this happened. I was surprised when I looked it up and saw this kind of thing as a common occurrence. Couldn’t believe I had picked up this container each weekend for months without noticing the picture of plates and glasses on the front.
I understand now these soaps are quite different from one another and the fact nothing happened to me is a fluke, so definitely don’t do this on purpose.
- Comment on DVD, Blu-ray, 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray sales up, reports HMV 8 months ago:
When streaming companies seem to increase their pricing a time or two a year, reduce content availability for lower tiers, lower the bitrate unless you pay more, introduce ads on a paid subscription tier, or all of the above, is it a surprise there is a return to physical media?
- Comment on Pros / cons of riding a bike? 9 months ago:
Do you live in a city or an are with a lower population? I strap the helmet on in the city or doing some speed, but when we’re out visiting with family in the country or a small town, we usually go without it.
- Comment on Pros / cons of riding a bike? 9 months ago:
I’ve been using Shokz for a decade now. They’ve replaced a couple sets at no cost. I wear mine every day. Even for the occasional swim.
Listening to podcasts definitely gives longer battery life than listening to music. Though even the odd time I’ve drained the battery in a day, I charge it with a battery pack for fifteen minutes and it’s charged again.
Not many products I’d say are worth every cent, but from the quality to the customer service, Shokz are great.
- Comment on Grocery stores promoting gas discounts are not helping the transition away from gas vehicles 10 months ago:
Unfortunately, like most issues we face, this is not a stand alone problem. I’ll concede, over the length of ownership of the car, a brand new electric vehicle is more environmentally friendly than keeping your current combustion engine vehicle.
However, we don’t live in a society where the majority can make that choice independent of other factors. EVs are more expensive across the board.
Even if the purchasing cost of an off-the-lot EV were equivalent to continued use of an older ICE across two years - most people can not afford it.
- Comment on Grocery stores promoting gas discounts are not helping the transition away from gas vehicles 10 months ago:
I see buses as a good method of figuring out routes when first implementing a transit system similar to how some developments leave out walking paths to see where people typically walk and install them afterwards.
Generally though, trams can allow for more passengers transported per trip and per operator than a bus. Good for high and low traffic areas with dedicated transit lanes.
Don’t get me wrong - trams certainly don’t replace buses. Multiple forms of transit are best practice of course. I just don’t see the need for only buses or mostly buses.
As a minor detail, tires are one of the top polluters of both microplastics and noise levels in cities, and it would be nice to lower the amount of them being disintegrated in the process of moving people from place to place - be in from buses, or the larger culprit, private vehicles.
- Comment on Grocery stores promoting gas discounts are not helping the transition away from gas vehicles 10 months ago:
For further than bike distance, it’s confounding why cities don’t have a tram system.
If something is being moved from one place to another, and back again, you would of course look for more efficient ways to move that thing. Use a box.
When there’s dozens of those things making the same trip, put them together in the same transport method. It’s not complicated. Factories don’t have people moving one product at a time to the next station. They have conveyor belts or similar to accomplish the task.
When needed, sure, have an electric car that someone could drive. But it’s not necessary for a good portion of the population.
- Comment on Grocery stores promoting gas discounts are not helping the transition away from gas vehicles 10 months ago:
I can’t say I’ve seen any people ‘forcing’ others to go out and replace a perfectly functional combustion car with an electric one - the manufacturers maybe. Most of the conversation I see is focused on the lack of low cost options when it’s time to purchase a brand new vehicle. Gas and electric both.
Once you move away from the brand new discussion, it seems pretty well agreed that keeping what you’ve got is the best option environmentally and financially. Buying used being a close second.
Freedom is important. But when the industry only offers you trucks and SUVs, where’s your choice?