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- Comment on Why is my GPS so terrible?! 7 months ago:
Ah yes, turnwise and widdershins.
- Comment on I Worked For MrBeast, He's A Sociopath 7 months ago:
I also like Tech ingredients, thought emporium. Though more on the practical here’s what I did rather than informational/educational
- Comment on Car 9 months ago:
On some cars that empty space where the clutch would be is the handbrake
- Comment on Has Brexit Created Medicine Shortages? - political X youtube. 1 year ago:
That cover image looks a total mess, AI generated?
- Comment on Plans to launch 111-style hotline to nudge millions of long term sick back to work 1 year ago:
If it wAs cOmFoRtAbLe bEiNg uNemPloYeD nObOdy woUlD WoRK!
I WoRk WhEn I’m SiCK, Why CaNt thE dIsAbLed WoRk tOO?
KaReN dOwn ThE roAd bRoKe hEr tOe, aND sHE sTiLl wEnT to WoRK!
- Comment on Raisin companies..WHY? why these wax type bags almost impossible to open or reseal? 1 year ago:
Its peg where I live 🤷
- Comment on How did people refer to clockwise movement before the invention of the clock? 1 year ago:
Turnwise and widdershins. I read it in a book once.