- Comment on What is happening with Tesla (TSLA) stock currently? 📈 2 days ago:
Down 6% today as of now. Up 16% week Down 11% month Down 41% 3 month Up 3% 6 month Up 50% year
Any loans Elon has taken in the last 3 months against his stock are going to be in really rough shape. Overall though investors gaining 50% in a year is absolutely remarkable even if they’re down from ATH. Unless youve been holding from '22 you’re probably pretty happy with stock performance.
- Comment on Why aren't there mass protests in the USA? 1 week ago:
Great point, there are at least 77,284,118 people who are OK with the current state of affairs.
- Comment on Why aren't there mass protests in the USA? 1 week ago:
You gotta remember. The majority of voters wanted this. Trump won the popular vote. He still has almost a 50% approval. Half of Americans are good with what’s happening. Let that sink in.
- Comment on The future of Blu-ray is looking bleak (and that's a bad thing for everyone) 2 months ago:
That’s fair. My wife let me have this win. It was expensive though.
I will say I love watching movies on our blu ray but my toddler also likes the moves anywhere codes that let’s him watch Moana on any device.
Its the best of both worlds if you aren’t comfortable with ripping.
- Comment on The future of Blu-ray is looking bleak (and that's a bad thing for everyone) 2 months ago:
Hi. It’s me.
- Comment on So this is how liberty dies... 4 months ago:
Sounds like an effective way to win elections. Where are my memes?
- Comment on Do we really want a leader who celebrates firing people? 7 months ago:
Hi American here. One of these men is the richest man in the world. To assume his behaviors aren’t globally reaching is wrong. The other, if elected, would control the most powerful military in the world. Of course well suffer here but the influence and reach of these two should not be understated.
- Comment on Technically Correct 7 months ago:
Technically it’s the only kind of correct. Technically.
- Comment on Disneyland unions agree to ‘historic’ 31% pay raise 7 months ago:
"Also remember, CPI only reflects those out-of-pocket expenses. "
“it doesn’t take into account goods and services that may have been provided to consumers by, for example, the nonprofit sector and the government.”
My point here is your raises should be CPI + buffer as real costs are higher.
A fun image of what’s in the CPI:
- Comment on ‘We Will Save Our Beef’: Florida Bans Lab-Grown Meat 10 months ago:
Florida is the 9th largest cattle producing state.
- Comment on Larry Bird really knew how to get under your skin 1 year ago:
Trash talking :