- Comment on Shopping 2 months ago:
I love that he’s out there risking his life for beer
- Comment on Would you like a receipt? 7 months ago:
I ask for one if I suspect they’ll get my order wrong and I have a paper trail.
- Comment on Stop making short men feel miserable at clubs! 7 months ago:
Stop going to clubs if you don’t like them. I’m not short but I still hate their vibe.
Focus on improving yourself and learn to be happy with who you are. Don’t go to clubs.
- Comment on How Kamala Harris Took Command of the Democratic Party in 48 Hours 8 months ago:
Were you born yesterday? This is the whole game. If you get frustrated and don’t vote you get fucked harder. The only winning strategy is to keep voting against fascism and then after the election you go protest and raise hell so we can have a more fair primary, or God forbid we can get rid of first past the post voting.
- Comment on The Most Dangerous Thing In The Western Hemisphere - Second Thought 1 year ago:
When I see liberals critiquing liberals, if they are not prefacing their views with a strong call to vote liberal then I get suspicious. I get it you want a better candidate, Biden is not as left as you want, yes yes, but I hate to break it to you, if you diss Biden too much you’re handing the reins to the right. Go crazy in the primaries, go crazy in the local elections, get your young leftist candidates out there great, but when it’s time to vote in the big one you have to get your ass out there and vote.
Any liberal that doesn’t explain this, I get suspicious and wonder who’s really supporting them. I’m sure this youtube guy isn’t in some conspiracy, but man I would not be surprised if unknown to him some russian agency was donating generously to his patreon and fanning the flames with fake comments to create dissent within the party.
The system is shit, do everything you can to change it, but if you sit out the big vote you’re being played like a flute.