- Comment on Tiger Predators 3 months ago:
All models are wrong, but some are useful. Thinking of evolved features as having a purpose is wrong, but it is also incredibly useful.
Why do we have eyes? In some sense, there is no reason, just a sequence of random coincidences, combined with a slightly non-randon bias refered to as “survival of the fittest” (itself an incorrect model).
However, saying that we have eyes to see has incredible explanatory power, which makes it a useful model. Just like Newton’s law of Universal gravity. We’ve known it that is wrong for a century at this point, but most of the time still talk as if it’s true, because it is useful.
- Comment on I wish 1 year ago:
No. The alternative is to not use a float. Testing if a float is even simply does not make sense.
Even testing two floats for equality rarely makes sense.
- Comment on I wish 1 year ago:
If you are using floats, you really do not want to have an isEven function …
- Comment on Groundhog Day II 1 year ago:
Ah, the endless 8 approach.
- Comment on Don't forget to tip 1 year ago:
It is standard in the US. Adjustable rate mortgages are available as well, but they have not been popular since the 2008 crisis.
- Comment on Uno reverse 🔁 1 year ago:
Facebook the product is still Facebook. The only name that changed was that of the company that owns Facebook, which makes sense as that holding company also runs other products like Instagram.
Google made a similar move in 2015 when it created Alphabet to hold the non Google parts of Google.
In both cases the renaming was on the coorporate side. They made no effort to loose the old trademark, and continue to operate under it today.
The only high profile case that comes to mind that is simmilar to Twitter is when Comcast rebranded itself as Xfinity in 2010. In that case, it worked because: A) Comcasts reputation was way worse than Twitters and B) people don’t have that much of an option anyway. In the otherhand, the rebranding failed in the sense that everyone still knows them as Comcast.