- Comment on An absolute bargain! 4 months ago:
A million or two shitcoins can buy you that easily
- Comment on How is it that "protecting basic democracy and the rule of law, and not crowning a criminal dictator" wasn't even on the chart?! 4 months ago:
I don’t think people want to vote for a party. People want to vote for someone who’s making sense for them, and looks like for majority it was Trump this time.
An “actual left wing party” must not only have ideology, but a sound plan on how to improve people’s lives and an ability to communicate this plan to people, loud and clear. Actually, as populists are now trusted everywhere in the world, the plan is less important than communication
- Comment on If Trump wins the election thru fraud how can the democrats refute it and prove they won? Or will it just be like another Jan 6 and four years of whining like Trump? 4 months ago:
Who are “they”? Child trafficking democrats? Oh, sorry, it was from another conspiracy theory.
No offense, I just think that the idea of some masterminds ruling everything from behind the curtains is a bit ridiculous.
- Comment on If Trump wins the election thru fraud how can the democrats refute it and prove they won? Or will it just be like another Jan 6 and four years of whining like Trump? 4 months ago:
Yeah, this scenario seems… feasible. I’ve read people were contemplating Obama to run for Kamala’s VP before Waltz was chosen. And this attempt would certainly end up in Supreme Court.
- Comment on If Trump wins the election thru fraud how can the democrats refute it and prove they won? Or will it just be like another Jan 6 and four years of whining like Trump? 4 months ago:
Russian Constitution literally had this phrase “A same person cannot be a President for more than two terms in a row”, so it was already opened for an interpretation they did. This actually had changed for just “two terms” in 2020, but provided another excuse for Putin to be elected.
Anyhow, in US Constitution the 22nd amendment says that “No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice”, so there is no room for interpretation. Even conservative SCOTUS would not do that.
- Comment on Seeking feedback: how should lemm.ee move forward with external images? (related to frequent broken images) 5 months ago:
I really don’t see broken images often, it doesn’t bother me at all. I’d prefer to keep Option #2, especially if we could increase the period of how long the images are stored in the local proxy.
- Comment on Anon wants American companies to make a good RPG 7 months ago:
Still not Europe or Asia, innit?
- Comment on Why fed ship do not have dedicate landing team, but send bridge crew on dangerous mission ? 8 months ago:
Because we all know that a sergeant and soldiers can’t even hit a starship from 10 meters. Yes, Stormtroopers, I’m talking about you. What, this is what community again?
- Comment on Took me disappointingly long 9 months ago:
The guy looks suspiciously like Sean Austin (Sam from Lord of the Rings)
- Comment on Why don't passanger airplanes come with parachutes for people? 11 months ago:
I’ve seen a concept of an airplane that can eject sections of it’s hull, each equipped with a large parachute. This can solve the problem of “how to put parachutes on each passenger including kids, disabled and panicked and teach them how to use it”. Also it doesn’t require the plane to maintain certain height, speed or angle for parachuting.
But of course it will add extra weight to carry, because not only they’ll need to install big parachutes, but also ejection system and something to seal off ejectable sections.
- Comment on My RuneScape inspired indie fitness MMORPG WalkScape is looking for more beta testers 1 year ago:
Will be there a way to purchase or subscribe outside of Google Play? Or even use the game without google services?
- Comment on What the hell is this shit? Instead of pushing for the return to traditional pensions, capitalism is celebrating the idea that Millennials & Gen Z may simply never be able to stop working. 1 year ago:
In rich countries with public pension systems. Of course you would have no problem to retire if public pension is good enough for decent living
- Comment on The amount of spam texts I get from Republican campaigns 1 year ago:
Welcome to !privacy@lemmy.ml - you’ll learn not to share your phone number with strangers.
- Comment on Would you all prefer lemmy as a whole reaches the userbase of reddit, or to remain smaller? 1 year ago:
The more the merrier. Yes, there will be more shit content, but there will be more quality content and engagement. Small platforms tend to die or become an echo chamber.
I want Lemmy to replace Reddit completely