- Comment on Reading the news lately 4 weeks ago:
- Comment on And you get to avoid traffic! 5 months ago:
As someone who recently switched to days after more than 15 years on night shift, if my new position wasn’t exponentially better in every way I’d go back to nights in a heartbeat.
- Comment on Peeble streamer on Doop 6 months ago:
I haven’t seen the term gleeking in decades. Growing up in the 80s it was a skill to be mastered.
- Comment on Probiotics 7 months ago:
Interesting. Thanks for the explanation.
- Comment on Probiotics 7 months ago:
looks like the recipe is here
- Comment on aMATEur RaDio Is dEAD 7 months ago:
Morse code (a.k.a. continuous wave/CW) is really great for low power operating (QRP) and a signal can break through a lot more than voice (SSB) can. CW only radios can also be tiny and are valued by hams who enjoy portable operating and there are programs/events that promote just that. It can also be a lower cost way to get into a potentially expensive hobby. Also, it’s just fun to copy the code sometimes.
- Comment on Have you ever had a phone call interrupted by a 3rd party voice saying "this call is being recorded"? 8 months ago:
If you’re here to tell me energy drink body spray is a bad idea, I’ve heard it before, from a bank and some doctors.
- Comment on How come liberals dont hate conservatives the way conservatives hate liberals 10 months ago:
Do you have any preferred sources for learning more about Umberto eco’s 14 points of fascism?