- Comment on Terrorist: I speak perfect English 5 months ago:
I will always stop to watch this video.
- Comment on I'm just gonna stick to slotted, thanks 7 months ago:
Robinson aka the square head is by far the superior choice.
- Comment on So is Israel just going to finish Palestine off? 8 months ago:
Facts have no standing in this area of discussion.
- Comment on Green Haven Entryway 10 months ago:
It’s the Great Deku Tree!
Though he seems to have fallen on some hard times.
- Comment on E.U. Reaches Deal on Fund for Ukraine: The Hungarian leader, Viktor Orban, had been the sole holdout to the 50-billion-euro plan aimed at keeping Ukraine’s economy afloat during the war with Russia. 1 year ago:
Glad Viktor Orban finally caved, and didn’t really get anything out of it. I will be happy when that piece of shit is out of office.
- Comment on What is the worst US state to live in generally? 1 year ago:
I just drove from California to Yellowstone and back for vacation. The gas prices were pretty close throughout the drive. And fast food costs were the same everywhere.
Also, teachers retirement is paid through Calsters in California. That’s an entirely separate fund in an entirely separate state agency than education. It’s a pension system where the teachers pay in and the state pays as well while they are working like any other private company’s pension system.