- Comment on Not enough people buying Premium, eh? 2 months ago:
More than you think, actually. My wife recently signed up. I’m like, Babe! I already have uBlock Origin to block ads on desktop! On mobile, Firefox also blocks ads and allows listening to videos with the screen off. 😫
But, we still get ads on our smart LG TV. So. That’s apparently enough to throw the money away.
- Comment on Indian start-up Yes Madam fires employees who indicated being stressed in the survey 2 months ago:
looks at companies forcing RTO 👀
- Comment on Pro-tip for this capitalistic hellscape 2 months ago:
Uh, yeah, exactly. I’m like wat. Chapulines are delicious. At worst they kinda taste like walnuts to me. If people ate them blindfolded in a taco with other ingredients, I don’t imagine too strong of a reaction.
- Comment on Goku 2 months ago:
Oh, fuck. Run kid!
- Comment on Sleep well tonight 2 months ago:
Oh gawd, don’t remind me. My mom already tried selling it and couldn’t find anyone to buy it. Of course, she blames kids these days for not valuing her obviously valuable collection…
- Comment on In order to pay import duties, these crazy fuckers are expecting me to enter my bank logon details into their website. What. The. Fuck. 5 months ago:
They maybe use Plaid to connect your bank? I still wouldn’t do it though. Fuck Plaid. Fuck handing out creds. Find another way.
- Comment on Lowest bidder quality 5 months ago:
Cy: People buying million dollar homes think they’re getting the A-Team. They’re not. It’s the same builders that build the cheap homes.
- Comment on Healthy eating 5 months ago:
That’s a great start! Taco Bell is probably the healthiest fast food. A power bowl is lettuce, tomatoes, beans, a little cheese, a little beef. Way better than greasy burger with oil drenched fries!
- Comment on Why does the USA have so few legal protections for ordinary people, and how can we change that? 5 months ago:
Explain how!
- Comment on What has he done to deserve this? 6 months ago:
I stopped caring about British units in 1776! Metric all the way, baby! 🇺🇸 We decimalized their dumb ass currency and we need to finish the job with weights and measures! A vote for imperial units is a vote for red coats! Vote for me for President and I will liberate us from British tyranny! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 🦅🦅🦅
- Comment on What has he done to deserve this? 6 months ago:
It’s possible! We can switch! I’m US born and raised and I voluntarily switched to metric in college. It took me maybe we few months to start building an intuition for Celsius, grams, liters, and meters. And that was with me in isolation. I would imagine it would be much faster if everyone else was also transitioning.
Over the years, other people have asked me about this and I’ve been shocked at how many people don’t realize most of the world uses metric. Someone asked why I was using “Mexico units” once… Also, I’ve met lots of people who think the US invented inches, pounds, etc, which is… uh… interesting. The arguments y’all are having here are way more advanced than what I’ve run into.
For anyone who wants to voluntarily switch, I highly recommend not to convert between imperial and metric. Just read the metric number and that’s it. The weather says it’s 25c outside? Don’t convert to F. Go outside, experience 25c. Overtime you’ll build an intuition. Smartphones and computers have made the switch easier these days.
Of course, until we all switch you’ll really end up being bilingual…
- Submitted 6 months ago to [deleted] | 37 comments
- Comment on History is written by the victors 7 months ago:
lelz. can relate. I was at a family’s house for the holiday and they had a book about California history… Shit was funny as hell. The first 30 pages was basically just shit talking Californios, Spanish, and Mexican settlers. They quoted a lot of English, French, and United Statian visitors instead of the people who lived in California… Comments ranged from “the Californios looked uncivilized” to “they wasted the land they had”. Then on page 31, they had 1 small paragraph were they talked about “an event” where the US acquired the land. Uh, ya mean the bullshit war where the US invaded Mexico and stole half of it?! The book continued with a whole chapter on the gold rush. XD Fucking trash!
- Comment on it works! only 99.99$! 10 months ago:
Aaaaannd this is why I use Kagi. The site ranking feature let’s me block or down rank sketchy sites. (And lets you boost credible sites.)
- Comment on Why do people around me tend to increase their responsibility load (i.e. have children, become a manager, do charity, etc.) while I (30M) try to avoid it as much as I can? 11 months ago:
Some people become managers because they like having control over people.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
I’ve always assumed this was a variation of the pro police brutality flag that Republicans like. I don’t think I’ve met any non-Republicans with these flag designs.