- Comment on I'm literally a thinking lump of fat 2 months ago:
“At thе end of the day, Your brain is just a meat computеr in a bone cockpit piloting a skin robot! You think the world makes sense? Nothing makes sense! So you might as well make nonsense!”
- Comment on Jumping in would either give you superpowers or cancer 2 months ago:
It’s a funny detail :D
butttttt americium-241 from smoke detectors are primarily alpha emitters, so the air, the sludge itself, and the camera lens would shield the camera’s sensors from being noticeably exposed :3
- Comment on Reactor goes brrr 2 months ago:
Well do I have news for you
- Comment on Can I lick it? 9 months ago:
I fully agree with it being yellow. By far, the most common isotope of uranium is uranium-238, which is indeed radioactive, but not dangerously radioactive. In this list, lead is listed as a yellow because it can give you heavy metal poisoning. In this scenario, the uranium would cause more damage to your body by damaging it as lead would (heavy metal poisoning affecting brain, kidneys, liver, etc) before the radiation would ever have an impact on your body.
- Comment on For some reason, I'm doubtful. 1 year ago:
This is super true. I occasionally visit a TRIGA reactor that was built decades ago, and a good chunk of the computers critical in infrastructure run comically old versions of windows since software used to operate the faculty was a custom job.