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- Comment on How come people who are against abortion are in favor of the death penalty? Kind of seems like a contradicition/ 5 months ago:
I think that can be explained, but tell me how someone can be in favor of the death penalty but be against assisted suicide.
- Comment on Why don't we have cool vending machines in the US? 5 months ago:
- Comment on I’ve been locked out of PayPal for years because of their mistake 8 months ago:
You can use banktransfers to sell stuff. Otherwise I think there are only country specific platforms.
- Comment on Someone purchased the old domain of a FOSS app, then it's using it to deceive users to download adware 10 months ago:
Yes, Android apps are signed and Android refuses updates with a different signature.
- Comment on if the bird flu started spreading between humans, how long would you need to stay quarantined before it was safe to come out?? 11 months ago:
How would it be displaced by SARS-CoV2? Wouldn’t that require cross immunity?
- Comment on if the bird flu started spreading between humans, how long would you need to stay quarantined before it was safe to come out?? 11 months ago:
- Comment on Do the people in Reniassance festivals pccurring in Brotain also speak with faked British accents, or do they ise faked French/Iralian accents? 1 year ago:
It’s not unheard of, Icelandic is much closer to Old Norse than Norwegian is.
There are many reasons why this could be the case: pure chance, less outside influence of other languages, a smaller group of people, …
Not all of these apply to the US and I have no idea whether English in the US has less changed than in the UK.