- Comment on Video game publishers are starting to use "anti-DEI" as a marketing meme 1 month ago:
“Guess that minority shouldn’t work there then. It’s a good thing we have fair, gainful, and plentiful employment where every company with a hiring bias is perfectly balanced out by another company with the opposite bias. I sure am glad our perfect egalitarian society ensures that the minority’s kids are fed clothed and housed until they find work at an exactly comparable company with the same exact pay but hires minorities.”
- Comment on Which unplayed game in your library are you most looking forward to playing eventually? 4 months ago:
Dark souls remastered for me. I’m just about done with my 2nd DS3 run
- Comment on Which unplayed game in your library are you most looking forward to playing eventually? 4 months ago:
If you’re looking for more like it, Gris is on sale for 1.50 right now on steam. Beautiful game with similar themes.
- Comment on Remedy and Annapurna announce a strategic cooperation agreement on Control 2 6 months ago:
I’ve been loving everything from Annapurna ever since I realized that the same studio made Nimona and Stray.
- Comment on Drunk Hulk Hogan wants to body slam Kamala Harris 6 months ago:
That makes sense haha. Same on the too lazy to check. I could have checked rather than commenting in the first place lol
- Comment on Drunk Hulk Hogan wants to body slam Kamala Harris 6 months ago:
I love China IL, but had no idea Hulk Hogan was in it. I guess he must have been the dean?
- Comment on Speeding ticket goes from 0 to 100 with the quickness. 6 months ago:
Idk I think we should normalize being mean to cops.* Maybe if they were berated everywhere they went instead feared, fewer people would want to be cops.
- this is obviously bad advice for many people in many situations. Cops can and will ruin or end your live with little or no provocation.
- Comment on Speeding ticket goes from 0 to 100 with the quickness. 6 months ago:
You don’t have to be nice to cops. And they can’t legally arrest you just for being mean.
- Comment on Speeding ticket goes from 0 to 100 with the quickness. 6 months ago:
Fucking pigs just got mad he wasn’t nice to them.
- Comment on [deleted] 8 months ago:
It’s not just about the content posted by individuals though. The community and relationships built on a centralized platform are also at risk to a much greater degree than they would be on federated social media.
- Comment on KeePassXC Debian maintainer has removed all network features 9 months ago:
I’m inclined to agree. Like, I get it - the Debian maintainer used inflammatory language and the conversation devolved from there. I’d really love to see some real discussion about how the upstream devs can justify their claims that these features don’t increase the attack surface. I also understand that they don’t want their bug tracker filled with Debian specific issues because of this, but can we not also have a discussion about the desire for people to have a stripped down version?
I for one wasn’t even aware that my offline password manager has networking features at all.
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
They’re referring to Threads
- Comment on ‘Our Flag Means Death’ Canceled After Two Seasons at Max 1 year ago:
Just to expand on myself, I’ve read that S2 had a lower budget than S1 and everybody knew they might not get a S3, so they wrote it to have a satisfying ending even though they were still hoping fod S3.
- Comment on ‘Our Flag Means Death’ Canceled After Two Seasons at Max 1 year ago:
It’s not a cliffhanger at all. The show would be greatly improved by a third season imo just because the tone of the 2nd season is really intense compared to the first, and while S2 has a fairly satisfying ending - it could really use the catharsis of a final act.
- Comment on Is Netflix's One Piece good? 1 year ago:
Yes as a fan of the manga and anime it is very good. Seems like even people who aren’t already fans are liking it too