- Comment on What is stopping the vice president from ever murdering the president? 3 months ago:
- Comment on Why is DNS often joked about in the I.T. Industry? 6 months ago:
What do you think about
- Comment on Steam Is Run By Fewer Than 80 Staff, Lawsuit Docs Reveal 7 months ago:
The pandemic that was caused by poor people hunting wild animals to sell their meat to make a living? Gosh darn, I wonder what we could have done to make it so these people wouldn’t have to resort to that to make a living.
What the poor people were doing happened in another country and therefore there was nothing that we could have done to change their way of life. We can’t dictate to China how they treat their citizens.
- Comment on Steam Is Run By Fewer Than 80 Staff, Lawsuit Docs Reveal 7 months ago:
Nothing. That happened in another country. Also, hunting wild animals to sell the meat has been a thing for millennia.
- Comment on Steam Is Run By Fewer Than 80 Staff, Lawsuit Docs Reveal 7 months ago:
Perhaps 10%. Taxes at one point went up to 90%. Some companies do need more, especially small businesses. As for not needing to subsidize anyone, when the pandemic struck and the checks went out a lot of people paid bills (I managed to get rid of my student loan debt, with help) but many went on spending sprees and some of those still couldn’t pay rent. Wealth distribution isn’t as great as it sounds and I’m on SSDI.
- Comment on Steam Is Run By Fewer Than 80 Staff, Lawsuit Docs Reveal 7 months ago:
So he should get the address of every single person in the country and divide his money equally among every single person and have no money for himself? Maybe only keep the same amount for himself that each other person is getting? That’s ~342 million people. Give them $3 each and no more billionaire. Worth $10B? $30 for each person.
Elon Musk is the wealthiest person in the USA and is worth $251B. $750/person would help for rent for one month. You could take money away from babies and maybe get a full month, maybe two.
Jeff Bezos is next at $161B. That’s about $480/person.
Of course, this means that their money is gone. No golden goose. Do you think that they should subsidize every person in the country?
- Comment on Why do we say, "when I look in the mirror" instead of "when I look in a mirror?" 8 months ago:
I have had people hand me a floppy disk and want me to download the Internet onto it. I have told them that that is impossible but how do they know that I’m telling them the truth?
- Comment on Why People Don’t Catch The Politics In Their Favorite Games 9 months ago:
what is your art if it’s not engaging with the issues of the time? What is your art if you’re claiming that it’s not political? Because the point of art is to tell the truth, and you’re lying.
Say what? Are they referring to just a specific type of art, like political art?
- Comment on Finally, fans are getting what they've been demanding for years, a crossover event between the Kelvinverse and... World of Tanks 9 months ago:
The Bolo series by Keith Laumer?
- Comment on What's up with Epic Games? 1 year ago:
Do you know about ?
- Comment on Why didn't SBF flee? 1 year ago:
People with Ph.Ds will sit down at a keyboard and drool out of the corner of their mouth while contacting tech support.
- Comment on Creators of Slay the Spire will migrate their next game to a new engine if Unity doesn't completely revert their changes 1 year ago:
I’m reminded of a post recently where someone asked how to get rid of a dialog in Windows and got swamped with replies saying to install Linux. It’s like getting a check engine light in your car and being told to buy a truck.
- Comment on Creators of Slay the Spire will migrate their next game to a new engine if Unity doesn't completely revert their changes 1 year ago:
Evernote. Mentioning adding AI is a red flag for incoming price hikes and limitations.