- Comment on Ubisoft boss says it knows players think it has an 'inconsistency in quality,' so it delayed Assassin's Creed Shadows to flip that script 4 months ago:
Agreed. As a game it was one of the best Ubi has done maybe ever imo.
- Comment on Ubisoft boss says it knows players think it has an 'inconsistency in quality,' so it delayed Assassin's Creed Shadows to flip that script 4 months ago:
It was. Most of it’s criticism comes from the fact that it’s not really an assassin’s creed game anymore. It was mostly far cry: ancient greece
- Comment on We can discuss a thing that we never saw 24-7-365. (See reddit/lemmy/X/etc for examples). What is this? 1 year ago:
Yet you asked “what is this”. Lol, you’re tripping balls mate. Plus who are you to decide what’s good, bad, strong or weak. Especially with some bullshit like “it’s apart from the world” (it’s not, it’s definitely part of it you aren’t transcending dimensions here). Anyway get some sleep.
- Comment on We can discuss a thing that we never saw 24-7-365. (See reddit/lemmy/X/etc for examples). What is this? 1 year ago:
Give me an example of a better answer to whatever you wrote here. And I wasn’t trying to be insulting I’m sorry. It’s just very hard to understand what you are questionning beyond “society bad! Yes/No?”
- Comment on We can discuss a thing that we never saw 24-7-365. (See reddit/lemmy/X/etc for examples). What is this? 1 year ago:
What do you think then?
Or did you really only want someone to answer you “It’s hell”? You really read like an angsty teenager who just had it’s first joint and 101 philosophy class.
- Comment on We can discuss a thing that we never saw 24-7-365. (See reddit/lemmy/X/etc for examples). What is this? 1 year ago:
Ok thanks finally some insight on your thoughts. See how it gives better context than just saying “What is this” and gesticulating towards the internet. Your question was heavily influenced by prejudice.
Most of the talk does not refer to fantasy, that is a great example of some “unempirical evidence”. Some do, a lot don’t, you need to be able to filter that. Sure If you look for it, the worst will appear. But stop mindlessly reading what pops in front of you and make some active research and your worldview might change.
The rest is just you thinking out loud. Nobody takes everything so seriously all the time about every subject. Honestly I’m thinking you are falling for what you seem so concerned about. Look away from the endless stream sometimes. Search for your own source of news. Make your own change. The world certainly looks grim if we let rampant capitalism unleashed, but you are not proposing anything here. This here post is you disguising a rant into a question.
- Comment on We can discuss a thing that we never saw 24-7-365. (See reddit/lemmy/X/etc for examples). What is this? 1 year ago:
Sorry my man but you are not clear at all. I’m trying to understand what you do not understand about people talking with each other. There’s nothing more to it. It’s neither good nor bad nor strong or weak, it’s just a discussion. What happens afterwards with the information each gathered from the discussion is different but we need context. It’s what the discussion is ABOUT that is important not the discussion in itself.
So give us some context. Are you talking about journalism in media or are you also questioning whether we should discuss our hobbies with like minded individuals? Are you implying there’s something wrong with social media because it allow anyone to talk with anybody about anything?
WIthout answers to these your questions is pointless I’m afraid.
- Comment on We can discuss a thing that we never saw 24-7-365. (See reddit/lemmy/X/etc for examples). What is this? 1 year ago:
A conversation, simply. There’s no requirements for having a discussion. That’s what we do, we speak to each other whether for good or bad.
And just in case because I’m still not completely sure if you are actually asking something or just making a social comment on online media; The literal antonym to what you seem to describe would be a “subjective” or “speculative” discussion. There’s other antonyms but I’ll let you search those out to see which fits your need.
- Comment on We can discuss a thing that we never saw 24-7-365. (See reddit/lemmy/X/etc for examples). What is this? 1 year ago:
What is your question though? Yes online forums exist, yes the information is often unempirical. But what is your question here? What is the “this” you are questionning yourself about? Are you asking why people debate each other? Why people are curious about subjects even though they are wrong? I just don’t get what you are trying to say here.