- Comment on Like Trump says that the cartels have invaded Canada wouldn't they have to pass through the US, avoid checkpoint, border control on both sides and many other things? So Canada can only blame the US? 5 days ago:
You’re clearly giving it too much thought. It’s just stupid, blatant lies. There is no point in entertaining them or even questioning them.
- Comment on Would voluntary euthanasia benefit society? 1 month ago:
I personally think that everyone should be allowed to end their lives if they really deeply want it. But this should never be expected, actively promoted or pushed for. And I think it should involve at least a consultation with a medical professional to avoid hasty decisions due to a temporary crisis.
I mean, yes, but I really don’t think anyone is arguing for the opposite when talking about legal euthanasia and I find it disingenuous to even suggest it. Let’s not forget that almost anyone can commit suicide regardless of it being legal or medically assisted and this has been the case and will be the case for the entirety of human history. Look at Japan and similar countries/societies where the cultural and societal pressures already have the consequences you described without it being legal.
Arguing for legal euthanasia is really just saying that people should have a safer, more informed and more dignified option if they really intend to make that decision, and guaranteeing that even the people who currently can’t end their lives on their own can still exercise that right if they want to. If you want to prevent pointless suicides the right way to do it isn’t to take away the possibility entirely, it’s making sure that society doesn’t give people reasons to want to kill themselves.
- Comment on Clarifying questions about the Musk salute 1 month ago:
The whole point he’s trying to prove is that he can do something like this with no consequences, including having to apologize. He hasn’t apologized and he won’t.
The reason he can do that with no consequences and you’re left here wondering what the fuck just happened and why the response you normally would expect isn’t coming, is that the western political environment has been artificially and methodically polarized for years in preparation for a stunt like this. Cognitive dissonance is an effective tool.
- Comment on Is there any non-zero possibility Musk was not doing a Hitler Salute? 1 month ago:
I absolutely think you’ve hit the nail on the head in terms of his personal reasoning for it and the way the left is being manipulated as always. The terrifying part isn’t even the act itself but the lack of an appropriate response from the public and media, and all the blatant gaslighting that ensued. Ultimately he doesn’t need to believe he is a Nazi to make all the self-aware ones feel empowered and validated regardless. He was trying to prove a point and he did.
- Comment on Is there any non-zero possibility Musk was not doing a Hitler Salute? 1 month ago:
He did the Nazi salute twice, intentionally.
He said “my heart goes out to you” because of plausible deniability. He was giving his followers an argument to deny that he did it intentionally, both to themselves and others.
He has not directly denied it nor apologized for it.
European leaders are acknowledging it for what it is. Neo-Nazis are acknowledging it for what it is, and they loved it.
People who are sincerely on the fence about this, admitted they actually exist, need to wake the fuck up.
- Comment on Flexible Display 8 months ago:
I’m not sure what you mean. Flexible OLED displays have been around for a while and foldable devices are just an example of the technology in use, but we’ve had them in consumer products way before that (phones with curved edge displays, for example). The potential for flexibility has always been intrinsic to OLED displays because they don’t need a backlight. The reason our phones don’t bend and flex like the “device” in the video isn’t because of the display, but because the battery, processors, ram, speakers, ports and all other components are not flexible and won’t be for a while. The device in the video does not include those, there is a ribbon cable coming out of the bottom connecting the two screens to the actual hardware.
- Comment on Android users who have a keen eye for design and detail, how is the whole stutter/lag situation? Esp. after a few years of use? 11 months ago:
I’ve had this issue with Samsung phones and tablets I owned in the past. Working as an app developer I still see this kind of problems on heavily oem-customized versions on Android.
Personally I “solved” this by switching to Pixel phones which in my experience don’t slow down even after 3-4 years of usage and updates. I believe this is true in general for phones that stay as close to AOSP/stock Android as possible.
- Comment on 1 year ago:
I kind of gave up on Japanese years ago, but I’ve been trying to learn Korean for a couple months now. I started with Duolingo (great for basics like the alphabet, and in general for reminding you to practice everyday), then added YuSpeak (similar to Duolingo but way better paced/structured and with some useful systems to keep track of your weak points and review words and concepts effectively. Their Japanese course has even more features).
Although the apps are a great way to start, like other commenters said, they really promote memorizing over understanding/using the language, especially Duolingo. So the greatest addition for me so far was actually ChatGPT (GPT 4). Now I can learn a new concept on YuSpeak or Duo and then immediately go ask ChatGPT to go over it together and make up some exercises for me to do. It really works surprisingly well, and in just the few days since I’ve started using it, it feels like my ability to write and read the language has improved exponentially compared to when I was only using the apps. I also fare much better in the apps themselves.
Of course ChatGPT is not 100% accurate, as we all know, but it opens up so many learning avenues that it doesn’t really matter, especially if you’re a beginner to intermediate student. Obviously it also can’t completely replace an actual teacher (on the other hand, it’s available 24/7, unlike an actual teacher, and it’s much cheaper too) and it won’t help with listening or speaking, but using it in conjunction with apps and a YouTube video here and there really creates a pretty effective and proactive learning environment.
TL;DR: Check out YuSpeak and consider using ChatGPT 4.