- Comment on Don't wanna know how 4 weeks ago:
The how I bang your big mother theory.
- Comment on Reddit seems to analyze images with an Ai to index words found in it 3 months ago:
Not wn expert in it, but this isn’t necessarily AI, it could be good ol’ image text recognition that has existed for years now.
- Comment on I swear to god 3 months ago:
Came here to post this
- Comment on Goodwill is out of control 4 months ago:
Forgive me if I didn’t detect the sarcasm. But the color is goodwills discount system. On any given day the red tags might be discounted, or the blue. It is a way to clear out stuff more consistently.
- Comment on Suddenly firefox on ios shows ads on homescreen 4 months ago:
I can say these sponsored shortcuts have been around for ages, I remember turning them off a long time ago.
- Comment on Home Depot 5 months ago:
The accord driver 100% planned that out. Now if it was a good plan is up for debate.
- Comment on [deleted] 5 months ago:
Yeah, hey op try looking under where it was, there may still be enough of the arm left to still use it anyways.
- Comment on Trump Airpods 7 months ago:
They do
- Comment on Trump Airpods 7 months ago:
Yeah they have been around for ages. I have some DeWalts that work pretty well
- Comment on This used book that I bought for 12£ on the internet was apparently previously bought from Oxfam for 1.99£ 9 months ago:
They take a bit off the edges, which, when done right, can make them look new at a first glance
- Comment on C O L O N I Z E 10 months ago:
Many oyster mushrooms are, but unless you grew them from a box you know are safe, I would steer clear.
- Comment on I have unlimited cellular data on my phone but not if I use it as a hotspot. 11 months ago:
I was in the same situation, but luckily, Starlite became available. Not as good as a wire, and rather expensive, but damn is it a night and day difference.
- Comment on Me trying to insert a flash drive at night 11 months ago:
Until you find out that a usbc plug fits inside a usba port and you can mix them up when reaching around your computer.
- Comment on People who park in the handicapped ramp boil my blood. 1 year ago:
I work in retail and one time we had someone take the firelane parking to the next level. They pulled up directly in front of the sliding door, like less than 2 feet between their driverside door and the entrance. You couldn’t even get a cart out.
- Comment on Chrome thinks Firefox is unsafe! 1 year ago:
I’m usually all aboard the fuck chrome train, but if I remember correctly it does that with all executable files.
- Comment on plans for mitigating image upload abuse 1 year ago:
They sure try, which is why it is such a difficult issue. If an instance were to hold onto it for too long, it would likely get caught in their cross hairs and taken down.
- Comment on Is there any way to see if there’s something wrong with my account? 1 year ago:
You might have hide read posts enabled.