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- Comment on Which IELTS exam is necessary for work visa in UK? 8 months ago:
Not answering the question but if you studied in English outside of the UK it may be enough. But you need to certify that you studied in English through www.ecctis.com/visasandnationality . That is how I did it, and I think it is easier and can be quicker.
- Comment on Yeah, I call BS 10 months ago:
- Comment on Milk 1 year ago:
vegan or lactose intolerant
- Comment on Many philosophers have failed to answer this 1 year ago:
Trolley problem once climate change hits hard.
- Comment on YouTube starts verifying health workers in the UK 1 year ago:
In UK NHS webpages are very good. And outside of UK, I guess adding NHS to the search query would bring NHS pages as top results. For health related information I don’t think people should consult youtube anyway.
- Comment on ‘Barbie’ Banned in Kuwait, Accused of “Promoting Homosexuality” in Lebanon 1 year ago:
I watched the movie, I don’t remember anything that was promoting homosexuality. Can someone point out?