- Comment on Civilization 7 dev on Ages system and series shakeup: "It's going to be the hardest thing for fans to get adjusted to" 6 months ago:
I wish they took the neolithic era from Humankind. That’s such a cool super early game element to the game rather than ‘settle your first city ASAP or you’re screwed’.
- Comment on Recompilation: An Incredible New Way to Keep N64 Games Alive 10 months ago:
Awesome thank you so much for the pointers!
- Comment on Recompilation: An Incredible New Way to Keep N64 Games Alive 10 months ago:
Heck yeah, this sounds fantastic. Are you able to give me any pointers in a response or DM on how to move forward with getting it all set up? My wife never had a 64 so she never got to experience the game. Ideally, we’d play it together each of us on our Steam Decks. I’ve bought All Stars or whatever it’s called on the Switch but the prospect of us playing through the game together almost like a couch Co OP experience is extremely enticing. Obviously, you’re not responsible for me figuring everything out so if there’s a good forum or even video link discussing it, I’d be most appreciative.
- Comment on I learned so much 11 months ago:
The Glass Menagerie. Introduction of sad, boring characters. Nothing happens. The end.
- Comment on Family Group Games 1 year ago:
Give Trine 2 a shot. It’s three players, is very easy on the eyes, and is good for keeping stress relatively low. Since all three of you like games, playing games isn’t unnatural for you, but playing together is something that can potentially cause some stress between you. A game like Trine keeps that fairly low and is a good entry point that once you done with it, hopefully the experience was positive and you can move on to some other things together.
- Comment on Jesus leaving Chili's the way His father would want him to on Christmas night 1 year ago:
Is it ever specified of the wine Jesus makes is good wine?
- Comment on The Biggest SM64 Speedrun Discovery Just Happened 1 year ago:
Thanks for posting the link and also for taking the correction in stride and fixing the submission removing the reference to summoningsalt. None of us are perfect and I’m always glad to see people work to conduct ourselves in a dignified, honorable manner.:)