- Comment on Nintendo 3DS Game Finally Cancelled After Being On Pre-order For Almost a Decade 5 weeks ago:
If a game is terrible in terms of fulfilling what it advertised itself to be, IMO that makes it a terrible game.
I think that’s kind of an odd perspective because many (if not most) people will discover a game without knowing any details about how it came to be and what was—and wasn’t—promised.
- Comment on Nintendo 3DS Game Finally Cancelled After Being On Pre-order For Almost a Decade 1 month ago:
I’m a big Mega Man (mostly Classic) fan. I think MN9 was judged way too harshly. It’s not a bad game in its own right, not markedly great either, but certainly a passable and enjoyable one nonetheless.
People were hoping for another Mega Man X but of course it was never going to be exactly that. They need fangames and ROM hacks for that, not someone who could lose pretty much everything (job, work, money) if they stray too close to Capcom’s IP. I don’t know exactly how much Comcept promised and how much was hype built up by fans, but somewhere along the way expectations became misaligned and people were pissed and disappointed.
But yeah, going into it without any big expectations certainly helped me enjoy it.
- Comment on Playing Tunic first time 1 month ago:
Tunic is such a great game. I don’t think you’ve messed anything up — the game is just a bit convoluted in its puzzles and clues. Have fun!
- Comment on Guy never bought a game on the Epic Store... Owns 200+ 1 month ago:
Not to mention “stick it to 'em” when he’s doing exactly what Epic hoped for — engaging with their platform. It doesn’t even matter if you’re using Hero Launcher or not even playing it, it’s a +1 in their system and that’s what they care about.
- Comment on Steam does the opposite of forcing Arbitration on its users 4 months ago:
I have no idea how accurate this info on is, but according to it, you don’t need a lawyer in small claims court (in the US). And according to there are many other countries with similar small claim courts: “Australia, Brazil, Canada, England and Wales, Hong Kong, Ireland, Israel, Greece, New Zealand, Philippines, Scotland, Singapore, South Africa, Nigeria and the United States”. I know the list of countries is not even close to covering a large amount of Steam users, but I suspect that us Europeans are covered in other ways, so there’s that.
The Wikipedia page also mentions the lawyer thing, by the way:
A usual guiding principle in these courts is that individuals ought to be able to conduct their own cases and represent themselves without a lawyer. Rules are relaxed but still apply to some degree. In some jurisdictions, corporations must still be represented by a lawyer in small-claims court.
And I don’t think you need to sue Valve in the US. I think they’re required to have legal representation in the countries in which they operate, which should enable you to sue them “locally” in many cases. Again, not an expert, so I’m making quite a few assumptions here.
- Comment on Steam does the opposite of forcing Arbitration on its users 4 months ago:
Yeah, you’re right. Sorry. I’ve edited my comment to reflect that. I didn’t read OP’s image but rather the news post by Valve on Steam, but missed the part that said: “the updated SSA now provides that any disputes are to go forward in court instead of arbitration”.
it’s certainly not GOOD for Steam users to not be able to complain without lawyering up.
But doesn’t the change open up for litigation in small claims court? (Again, I’m in no way knowledgeable in US law, so I’m just asking.)
- Comment on Steam does the opposite of forcing Arbitration on its users 4 months ago:
If, for example, I want to return a game in accordance with the rules and they won’t let me, I’m not gonna lawyer up and sue them from the other side of the Atlantic.
While supposedly being a lot cheaper than litigation, arbitration isn’t free either. Besides, arbitration makes it near-impossible to appeal a decision, and the outcome won’t set binding legal precedent. Furthermore, arbitration often comes with a class action waiver. Valve also removed that from the SSA.
I’m far from an expert in law, especially US law, but as I understand it, arbitration is still available (if both parties agree, I assume), it’s just not a requirement anymore. I’m sure they’re making this move because it somehow benefits them, but it still seems to me that consumers are getting more options which is usually a good thing.
- Comment on Do you prefer RPGs or FPS games? 6 months ago:
I can dig both, but I much prefer precision platformers.
- Comment on Is it possible to safely "give away" a Steam account to a stranger? 8 months ago:
Cloud Saves may be difficult to deal with, depending on what games you play.
- Comment on Hades II Technical Test - Live Gameplay 10 months ago:
Elysium is definitely the slowest, but time saved carries over, so if you’re fast on Tartarus, you’ll have more time in Asphodel, which is relatively short in terms of number of rooms, and subsequently more time in Elysium.
And as someone else mentioned, it saves time to be aggressive too, so never be idle and try to anticipate where enemies spawn. Enemies without shield (or when the shield is gone) can be stun-locked, so just hammer away at them.
Maybe I’m forgetting how much time and practice I’ve put into going faster, but if I can do it — everyone can, that’s for certain.
Drawing inspiration from speedrun builds is great, so maybe check some of those (linked earlier) out. There are builds for different play styles, so I’m sure you’ll find something that works for you. :)
- Comment on Hades II Technical Test - Live Gameplay 10 months ago:
I’m not too good at high-heat runs, but I usually enable Tight Deadline level 1 and 2 first, and Extreme Measures 1 and 2, which is already 6 heat without much of a difference in difficulty. Extreme Measures 3 is a bit wild, IMO, but I guess it’s just a matter of practice, and then that’s 9 heat. Middle Management isn’t too bad either, and that’s 2 extra heat.
Other than that, I usually go for Malphon (fists/gloves) with Aspect of Demeter and a build with Ares’ Doom effects on attack and cast, Athene’s dash and special, which usually gives me access to their duo boon: Merciful End which triggers the doom effects when I dash into an opponent of use my special. It’s insanely powerful.
The Hades community on has some good guides and forum posts on builds — and videos of speedruns obviously, there’s a lot to pick up from them as well:
- Comment on Hades II Technical Test - Live Gameplay 10 months ago:
The first game is a masterpiece. I had so much fun discovering all the nooks and crannies of the story. And then doing speed- and challenge-runs afterwards. There’s content and gameplay for years of playing.
Plus it’s singlehandedly responsible for my kids getting deep into Greek mythology.
- Comment on Bethesda Quietly Removes Denuvo DRM from Ghostwire: Tokyo 10 months ago:
That’s great. Don’t get why they’re not announcing it, but whatever, I’m glad it’s gone.
- Comment on Awesome Games Done Quick 2024 has officially begun! 1 year ago:
That opening rum of Tunic was great! It’s such a great game — nice to see it get some more exposure.
- Comment on What's up with Epic Games? 1 year ago:
Intro screens and the like can usually be dealt with easily in many games. Look up the game on PCGamingWiki — it’s usually much easier (and less malware prone) than pirating.
- Comment on I Wanna Maker has released on Steam 1 year ago:
I’d argue that it’s for all skill levels — and you can always make your own levels.
It’s free, so there’s no reason to not give it a go.
- Comment on 1 year ago:
I’m pretty sure it’s available on GOG. I bought it some years back because it looked interesting but I never got around to actually playing it. I’ll have to give it a go.