I’m just a cat walking on a keyboard…
- Comment on Anon loves proprietary tech 2 months ago:
You gave me flashbacks of the Peter Norton and John McAfee days!
- Comment on Has anyone else noticed that Steam no longer requires self-updates that restart the client? 3 months ago:
I’ve seen the same thing. Seems like the new behavior is to just let me login, play, and it will get what it needs in the background and automatically update on next launch.
Makes sense not to bother me to update a 0.1 release change after launch (unless it’s urgent) when I just want to play Tetris.
Isn’t this the same behavior web browsers use? Background download and update on next launch?
Not complaining, I prefer this update cycle as default.
- Comment on i like welch's 5 months ago:
I get the joke, but did the person writing this have a stroke halfway through writing it?
- Comment on Rock a bye baby on top of the tree, When the wind blows the cradle will YEET ♪ 1 year ago:
I can’t wait to have TherionArms at my party!
- Comment on You teleport into the last game world you played. What happens next? 1 year ago:
Oh, thanks for the reminder that this just came out! Been looking forward to the sequel