- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
I wish I could say we just gotta wait 4 years but I wouldn’t believe if I said it. The US is past a fucking joke. Just… Fucking dammit…
- Comment on The darkness of hell 3 months ago:
100% agreed. Assumptions were made. It’s all good. Communication is key to understanding differences and growing.
- Comment on The darkness of hell 3 months ago:
Not sure how you got puritanical from that. It’s actually medical. Anything in excess will damage your body. I’m just as concerned for people’s bodily health as I am their spiritual health.
- Comment on The darkness of hell 3 months ago:
I think it says more about their actual beliefs in God. As a Christ follower, I believe everyone has their own path to take. If drugs in moderation is one of them, go for it. Hell, it’s theorized Moses was tripping on shrooms when talking to God.
Those who fear being exposed to “other” things will take them away from God (beyond addiction, that’s a whole other thing), then they never believed in the first. They just use it as a shield to justify their horrible actions.
- Comment on The spies in your home: How WiFi companies monitor your private life 7 months ago:
Poorly worded but your wifi manufacturer. They put in stuff to “protect” you or “help monitor” your home but all it really is spyware.
- Comment on The spies in your home: How WiFi companies monitor your private life 7 months ago:
Doesn’t bring their trust worthiness into question but it is kind of annoying. I get the marketing blitz but tone it down a bit, yeah?
- Comment on WITH ads? Fuckin awesome coupon, thanks! 7 months ago:
But I can’t use the same logic to yarr-harr their content even though I pay for the subscription. It comes with Hulu Live TV + no ads so I have to have it.
- Comment on When a cave has better wifi than I do 1 year ago:
WiFi and ZigBee can interfere with each other as well since they both run on 2.4GHz and pending on what channel you’re on, will royally screw with the other. Moved (nearly) all my Smart Home devices to Z-Wave and has had better connection to nearly everything.
- Comment on This is $87 worth of shopping. Please feel free to use the space below to critique my purchases 1 year ago:
My SO and I recently found out that Walmart (I see the Great Value brand) has actually become one of the more expensive places to buy goods from. We’ve done comparisons from Trader Joe’s, Fry’s, and Safeway. We’ve found that Walmart is the least value. Take what you will.
- Comment on Now everyone must pay for someone else's vandalism. 1 year ago:
Cause they don’t already abuse the OT system?