- Comment on Slapping Chicken 6 months ago:
At 400F it would no longer be chicken but a pile of glowing cinders. A chicken is cooked at 165F.
- Comment on Hummingbird Feeders 6 months ago:
This is the most devastating insult I’ve ever read
- Comment on Linguistics 8 months ago:
yes, it came in the same folder as my degree
- Comment on Was it a good thing that SNW explicitly said the Federation is socialist? 9 months ago:
I admit I’m having trouble finding any transcript of the primary source. It’s supposedly an answer she gave during a local convention and it’s been repeated by enough websites citing each other that I don’t know which one was the original.
- Comment on Was it a good thing that SNW explicitly said the Federation is socialist? 9 months ago:
According to his wife Majel, yes.
- Comment on Was it a good thing that SNW explicitly said the Federation is socialist? 9 months ago:
Gene Roddenberry was a Maoist. Pretty sure this was a studio thing, not a Gene thing.
- Comment on why not both? 9 months ago:
They literally did, though? Europeans brought animals and plants over on their ships. Kudzu is an extremely recent example, but invasive species date back to the literal first colonists. The two issues are inextricable.
And it’s not that the plants are fitter, it’s that they have no predators as a result of human activity.
I’m sorry, but I really think this is a “no investigation, no right to speak” scenario.
- Comment on why not both? 9 months ago:
This is a super bad take. Most invasive species were brought over by Europeans, so yes, they did have an “immigration program”. The reason they’re outcompeting natives is not that they’re fitter but that they have no place in the ecological systems here: nothing eats them so they have no checks on their spread.
- Comment on Future Hitlers 10 months ago:
Well hang on, let’s hear it out
- Comment on Oh no 1 year ago:
Man, that’s a big orphan