- Comment on Deal-breaker 3 months ago:
This may help
- Comment on Is American politics really as seemingly satirical of itself as it is portrayed? 5 months ago:
If Trump wins, all these idiots that voted for him because “thuh conomee was better” are going to act all shocked when he actually does all the really insane stuff he’s promising to do and tried to do in his first term but the handful of rational Republicans around him stopped him from doing.
I saw interviews with voters recently that basically showed people don’t believe he’ll do all the crazy stuff he’s promising, that it’s just a negotiation tactic or to “keep the base onboard” or to “generate attention.”
When things really go to shit, I guarantee the people that voted for him will take no responsibility for it.
- Comment on I just cited myself. 8 months ago:
It’s a definition from a well-respected global standards organization. Can you name a source that would provide a more authoritative definition than the ISO?
There’s no universally correct definition for what the ≈ symbol means, and if you write a paper or a proof or whatever, you’re welcome to define it to mean whatever you want in that context, but citing a professional standards organization seems like a pretty reliable way to find a commonly-accepted and understood definition.
- Comment on I just cited myself. 8 months ago:
- Comment on I just cited myself. 8 months ago:
“Approximately equal” is just a superset of “equal” that also includes values “acceptably close” (using whatever definition you set for acceptable).
Unless you say something like:
a ≈ b ∧ a ≠ b
which implies a is close to b but not exactly equal to b, it’s safe to presume that a ≈ b includes the possibility that a = b.