- Comment on Is it worth investing if I can only contribute $50 a month? 2 days ago:
I wasn’t trying to say that ethical funds don’t exist, I’m well aware of them. I was saying that when money is on the line, loyalty and ethics often end up second place.
- Comment on Is it worth investing if I can only contribute $50 a month? 2 days ago:
I absolutely agree. I used to have no choice but to buy budget and have to deal with it when stuff inevitably failed and broke. But now I’m much more financially stable, I made a commitment to buy quality when I can.
With clothes I’m in the best of both worlds, I’m a proper hawk for charity shops and if you’re patient you can get both budget and quality. I bought a £100 shirt for £3 the other day and it looked like it had never even been worn and there’s no reason it won’t last me decades if I look after it. Good riddance to TK MAXX and fast fashion.
- Comment on Is it worth investing if I can only contribute $50 a month? 2 days ago:
Unfortunately, there aren’t many ethics in the world when it comes to money.
- Comment on Is it worth investing if I can only contribute $50 a month? 2 days ago:
$50 per month for thirty five years saved with no interest at all is $21k, so I can absolutely understand the point of view that it’s not worth it if you’re currently struggling to scrape by to wait 35 years for what might be just an extra $14k
If that $50 has literally no other use to you, then great, if that $50 can provide fair value for you now, it’s a tougher decision.
- Comment on Puberty blockers to be banned indefinitely for under-18s across UK 1 week ago:
We’re not talking about the use of puberty blockers in cases of precocious puberty, we’re talking about them in cases where they’d block typical puberty in cases of gender dysphoria.
- Comment on Thames Water boss defends bonuses as sewage spills soar 1 week ago:
I’d love to know what CEOs actually do all day that justifies their exorbitant wages.
They love to trot out the “we need to attract top talent” line, but what skills, knowledge and experience are they actually providing that couldn’t be done by an 18 year old straight out of school?
The average CEO earns five times the average wage, we all know they aren’t working five times as hard as an average worker.
- Comment on Puberty blockers to be banned indefinitely for under-18s across UK 1 week ago:
I know that when you don’t wholly agree with a person that unquestionably goes along with dogma regarding trans rights that it’s only matter of time until the “transphobe” card comes out.
- Comment on Puberty blockers to be banned indefinitely for under-18s across UK 1 week ago:
And here we are. “tRaNsPhObE!”
Honestly, people like you are your own worst enemy. Shame on you.
- Comment on Puberty blockers to be banned indefinitely for under-18s across UK 1 week ago:
It’s not a warning, I’m just old enough to know pigeon chess when I see it.
Who knows, maybe we’ll get twenty years down the line, the evidence will be there and I’ll be amazed at how wrong I was!
Good luck to you, I wish you all the best.
- Comment on Puberty blockers to be banned indefinitely for under-18s across UK 1 week ago:
I’ve said everything I have to say and I can see trying to explain myself further will be fruitless.
If you honestly think that a child could block puberty up to the age of 18 or further and then change their mind and go through a normal puberty like nothing ever happened, then good for you, personally, I’m doubtful.
- Comment on Puberty blockers to be banned indefinitely for under-18s across UK 1 week ago:
The main difference with vaccines is the overwhelming medical proof of the benefits, that’s something that currently isn’t there with the use of puberty blockers during the years you would typically go through it.
I do somewhat agree with your less harm premise. If a child literally threatens to kill themselves, then as a parent you’d feel like you had little choice in the matter, however if there are permanent side effects and the child, now as a young adult starts regretting their decision, it’s going to be shit for everyone.
- Comment on Puberty blockers to be banned indefinitely for under-18s across UK 1 week ago:
Which is what would happen if they decided not to go thru with transitioning as an adult…
That is quite obviously an assumption. You are extrapolating data and although I see the logic of your statement, it’s bad science. The rest of your comment is based on this premise.
- Comment on Puberty blockers to be banned indefinitely for under-18s across UK 1 week ago:
The forty years worth of proof you are referring to is in almost all cases where the use was to block early puberty and then allow it to take it’s course at a normal age. I did mention this.
At the end of the day, I’m not pretending to be an expert in puberty blockers, I’m saying that sometimes children need to be protected from themselves.
- Comment on Puberty blockers to be banned indefinitely for under-18s across UK 1 week ago:
I don’t know why people are so worried about it
As far as I understand it, there are two main concerns that people have.
There is very limited data regarding clinical proof that the long term use of puberty blockers is 100% reversible in cases that block puberty during the typical years that you would go through it. Traditionally, puberty blockers would be used in cases where children start puberty at extremely young ages, In these cases the puberty blockers would be withdrawn at an age typical for a child to start puberty.
Leading on from point 1. Many people don’t trust children to make decisions that could impact them for the rest of their lives. Some parents are concerned they will be met with their child who is now a young adult to be asked “why the hell did you let me make that decision, don’t you know the mind is still developing at that age?”. I would not want to be held accountable for the countless stupid things I said or beliefs I held at a young age, so I can see why it is a concern.
Personally, I’m broadly in support of trans rights and what people want to do when they’re adults is their own business, but I think allowing a child to make a decision that may impact them for the rest of their lives is a grey area to say the least. I’d draw the line for a child at anything that’s not 100% fully reversible.
- Comment on As a human, here is my human take on unions 1 week ago:
In my union, reps have to be put up for vote every three years, and if even after that you still don’t like them, you have the option to go straight to your FTO.
- Comment on This spoon. 1 week ago:
I’ve lived in the UK since birth and have always had soup spoons.
I thought "maybe it’s a middle class thing, but it’s not like they’re expensive and they last forever.
- Comment on Anon loves his sister 2 weeks ago:
Ah right, I thought you were doing a monkey’s paw thing
- Comment on Anon loves his sister 2 weeks ago:
Jokes on you, parents are already divorced.
- Comment on Anon loves his sister 2 weeks ago:
Dude, sisters are so much worse. Brothers fight and then it’s over, sisters are cold blooded.
- Comment on You Will Never Look at College Football the Same 2 weeks ago:
I haven’t watched the video, but I’m guessing it’s about college football.
- Comment on Keir Starmer says the UK can decarbonise without disruption – that’s neither true nor helpful 3 weeks ago:
I take your point. But you could make the same argument for many things that are already very affordable.
Personally, I’m against nanny taxes, they only work against people who are financially struggling, yet ironically it’s generally the poorest people that have the worst health, especially when it comes to obesity.
I think there is work to be done on improving the health of the population, but I’d like to drive that from a perspective of education or a carrot rather than a stick method.
- Comment on Kate Nash and Lily Allen on OnlyFans should be a wake-up call for the music industry 3 weeks ago:
Show me the demand for my body parts on only fans and I’ll give up my job.
- Comment on Kate Nash and Lily Allen on OnlyFans should be a wake-up call for the music industry 3 weeks ago:
That’s not the point. The point is that the music industry doesn’t pay artists.
- Comment on Keir Starmer says the UK can decarbonise without disruption – that’s neither true nor helpful 5 weeks ago:
I’m actually really looking forward to lab grown meat becoming an established industry. Not just for the benefits of the environment and animal welfare but because you could feasibly grow the finest lobster meat, fois gras, wagyu steaks etc etc on industrial scales which would lead to much lower prices.
- Comment on Keir Starmer says the UK can decarbonise without disruption – that’s neither true nor helpful 5 weeks ago:
Before we move over to heat pumps and electric heating, a lot of work needs to be done on insulating homes.
A heat pump is not more efficient if you have to run it 24/7 to try keeping up with heat loss from single glazed windows and drafts from knackered doors etc.
- Comment on Anon tries to manipulate Tinder 5 weeks ago:
A quick Google shows that they charged over thirties double for a premium account.
Devils advocate says that is because older people are more like to have money (people are probably getting a bit more desperate at that age too).
It looks like the policy is revoked tho.
- Comment on Anon walks home in the city at 2 AM 5 weeks ago:
I think some people do fucked up shit regardless of what they’re taught and it’s a situation that’s slightly more complex than “just teach the kids right and wrong”.
- Comment on Anon walks home in the city at 2 AM 5 weeks ago:
imo the solution is just not to do anything sketchy, and teach younger people what’s right and wrong, so that the problem can get solved with a better society in the future
Ah yes, why didn’t my parents or their grandparents think to teach their kids that rape and murder is wrong!? It’s all so clear now!!!
- Comment on Anon meets up with a girl 5 weeks ago:
I’m cool if I can only faintly smell it, but when someone puts on too much it’s eye watering and as you say, they’d be better without.
- Comment on Anon walks home in the city at 2 AM 5 weeks ago:
Sometimes prophecies are self fullfilling, treat a man like the worst example of the gender he represents and you might find he behaves less than appropriately.
I’m not saying that excuses the behaviour, but if women looked at me and immediately thought “potential rapist/murderer” I can’t say that wouldn’t upset me and cause me to act less than amicably.
I mean what the fuck am I supposed to do, somehow talk the worst male scum out of their depraved behaviour? That’s never going to happen no matter how hard I try.
We all need to be realistic and keep things in perspective. It’s not OK to treat people as the worst of the people they identify with, it’s no better than the “all Muslims are terrorists” mentality.