- Comment on I guess I'm just a cubicle monkey now 3 months ago:
The visor in that suit’s helmet probably just shows ads all the time.
- Comment on Random Screenshots of my Games #45 - Subnautica 4 months ago:
I would suggest trying a new game without the food & water need. It really lets you focus on the plot. I also needed to look through a few YouTube videos at various points, because some things aren’t obvious or are easy to miss.
- Comment on Day 47 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots 6 months ago:
Many thanks. This is one of the post series I’m enjoying following the most on Lemmy right now.
- Comment on Mand got big hands! 6 months ago:
Was hoping to see this in the comments.
- Comment on I Can't Drink Now Like I Used to a Few Years Ago (26M), is that Normal? 1 year ago:
It catches up with all of us eventually. One day you find you just have to start cutting back.
- Comment on Mobile roaming: EE prompts anger as it increases price by 150% | Mobile phones | The Guardian 1 year ago:
Jumped to Lebara once Three started charging for EU roaming. Uswitch have a nice plan with 21GB/month for about £8–9/month. Includes EU roaming. No lock-in or contract. I think it also includes some free minutes to dial EU numbers. Pretty much better in every way.
- Comment on Are phone notification LEDs still a thing? 1 year ago:
True, but I found a flashing colour more informative. I knew instantly what it meant. With an AOD I’d have to look more intently at the phone or bring it closer to my ageing eyes.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
I tried the online multiplayer but it never clicked for me. I kind of enjoyed it, but everyone else was way better than me.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
I think this is kind of the problem I have with Elden Ring. There’s just so much grind. As much as I have enjoyed it I also resent it for blocking me from playing other things. I think I just want to complete it and move on. I don’t even know if I’m still enjoying it, but now it’s just a matter of honour.
I’ve got so many other games to play. Something like Deliver Us the Moon is the complete opposite of Elden Ring. Short, but thoroughly enjoyable. I’m really looking forward to playing Deliver Us Mars.
- Comment on Are phone notification LEDs still a thing? 1 year ago:
I kind of miss it. It was discrete and useful.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
- Horizon Zero Dawn
- Uncharted 2
- The Last of Us
- Comment on How the Tories turned the UK into a repressive state 1 year ago:
The sad thing is I’m not sure Labour will reverse (m)any of these policies if they take power in the next election.
- Comment on Wales' 20mph speed limit: How has the first month gone? 1 year ago:
- Comment on You teleport into the last game world you played. What happens next? 1 year ago:
I have to run down a slope, dramatically backstabbing a load of big-headed creatures.
- Comment on Tories and Local Governments Refuse To Approve More Homes 1 year ago:
It’s a peculiar aim. To what end… maintaining pension pyramid schemes?
- Comment on Cost of living: Loyalty card prices mask price hikes, says Which? 1 year ago:
This is why I no longer shop at either of these stores.