- Comment on [deleted] 1 week ago:
Or just buy a printer that is not by HP?
- Comment on Why do some laws exist if everyone is expected to just break them? 4 weeks ago:
This has the unintended consequence of people not knowing about the law if it goes unenforced for a long time.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
There were more posts like this: the weird hotel room one, the artshare of OP father’s feet. I’m hesitant to put them in the same category as this because they looked like normal posts but again they seem to be deleted (or at least I can’t find them now).
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
I think this is the third or fourth I’ve seen this week. And when searching for them later they’re gone.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
Has anyone else noticed a spike in posts about abusive fathers by new accounts lately that then get deleted? Especially here but in other communities as well. I’m not saying this specific post isn’t real but it’s getting a bit weird.
- Comment on Would it be more beneficial to move to Brazil and be an English teacher there or be a Portuguese teacher in the United States? 5 weeks ago:
I don’t think anyone can tell what Brazil (or the US for that matter) will be like in 15 years. Why make that decision now? And is that your only reason for moving?
- Comment on Pokémon Go Players Have Unwittingly Trained AI to Navigate the World 3 months ago:
Um are we sure we want this data? Weren’t there some people who walked into traffic and fell down hills playing Pokémon Go?
- Comment on Why is it difficult to get low-level remote jobs 3 months ago:
Ngl reading “basic $20+ per hour job” was kinda funny
- Comment on Mushrooms 3 months ago:
Well new fear unlocked, thanks.
- Comment on Mushrooms 3 months ago:
Anyone knows what that allergic reaction thing references? Sounds interesting
- Comment on Eat lead 4 months ago:
Pretty sure the point of creationism is that everything was put on the earth when it was created, including fossils etc. You can’t argue this with logic. My favorite spin off of this is Last Thursdayism where the earth was created last Thursday (regardless of what day it’s now) which basically uses the same argument.
- Comment on [Weekly thread] It's Wednesday, which movies have you been watching? 4 months ago:
Watched Barbarian after having it in my list for a while. It was VERY annoying seeing the main character make one bad decision after another. But somehow it was still a really good movie.
- Comment on Is there a way to have a "watch later" or "favorite" list that works across different websites? 4 months ago:
I think that was the initial idea behind Pocket but no idea how it has developed since then.
- Comment on Horse-flippers? Have any horses from history, ever been fitted with horseshoes that improve their ability to swim? 4 months ago:
This gave me some serious flashbacks but I’ve no idea when or why I would have watched it
- Comment on Might as well go cyberpunk, I guess. 4 months ago:
Meanwhile IRL cool cybernetic implants: I’m sorry our company has been bought by Amazon and support for your eyes has been dropped. Please refer to a local surgeon to remove them at your expense.
- Comment on Platypuses 5 months ago:
Beaver-tailed you say? youtube.com/watch?v=P9FRxokO2so
- Comment on Venom vs Poison 5 months ago:
Unless we’re talking about eating the snake. That could cause some confusion.
- Comment on Rotten Tomatoes Introduces a New Audience Rating for People Who Actually Bought a Ticket 6 months ago:
Or criticizes them more harshly. It could go both ways
- Comment on Be very very quiet.... 6 months ago:
if you don’t mind using a VPN, Claro Sports streamed most of the games on youtube. They’re available in most latam countries. Here is the pose form the pic www.youtube.com/watch?v=eXWHX5oB2hY&t=7175s (timestamp at 1:59:35)
- Comment on Hermit Crab Housing Market 6 months ago:
Wow didn’t expect them to actually make a queue
- Comment on Vivaldi: "Many have tagged us in discussions about a specif…" - Vivaldi Social 7 months ago:
Not sure about hangout, meet works fine just without some features. The main ones are sharing a specific tab and blurred/custom backgrounds but there might be some other minor stuff that I’ve never tried.
- Comment on yarr 7 months ago:
You guys get university library subscriptions?
- Comment on How many people actually want fully on-site IT jobs? 8 months ago:
You can replicate that remotely. I’ve had days where 2-3 people joined a call to share something and then kept that call in the background for hours, chatting about random things while working.
- Comment on What does "araffe" mean? 11 months ago:
Next step is for people to also start using it and we’ll experience the beginning of AI generated slang
- Comment on People who dont particularly care for or celebrate Christmas, Whats your favorite Christmas song? 1 year ago:
Regardless of home alone, every version of Carol of the Bells I’ve heard is great. And it sounds like a horror movie theme so I listen to it throughout the year.
- Comment on Do any languages have words for left & right that start with the same letter? 1 year ago:
Not sure about languages but do headphone letters actually get translated? I’ve always seen them as L-R.