- Comment on That gourmet luxury blend... 11 months ago:
“At least they shot me in the face, and not in the back of the head!”
- Comment on That gourmet luxury blend... 11 months ago:
What in the hell? You think this is ok? A honey blend implies a blend of…wait for it… different HONEY.
Not a blend of super cheap and super unhealthy syrup.
- Comment on Has google stopped working for finding anything? 1 year ago:
If it’s so difficult, then why was Google able to find the answer to questions exactly like this 6+ years ago?
That was why everyone switched to Google. The search engine just worked.
And frankly a large portion of your post is just incorrect. What you’ve described is how a very bad programmer would build a search engine. It’s overly complicated and requires too much data.
- Comment on 8th grader spreads it 😭 1 year ago:
What the fuck
- Comment on Farside 1 year ago:
Isn’t this an old Gary Larson comic?
- Comment on Rockstar Games regarding Grand Theft Auto VI 1 year ago:
I’m not really excited because I felt like V basically took all of the fun detail out of the story and main world and saved it all for online.
The missions and world in V had so little charm and so little of the detail that made IV and previous so amazing. The world was massive but felt totally empty.
But I know they made a bunch of money with online so I’m sure that’s how it’s gonna be again this time.
- Comment on A little bit unsettling 1 year ago:
Am I the only one that doesn’t find a needle going into a grape to be unsettling?
- Comment on Let lemmyshitpost decide... 1 year ago:
I already scream when I poop. It’s not that big of a deal.
- Comment on Amid financial stress, workers are asking for emergency savings accounts as a job benefit, survey finds 1 year ago:
Yeah I want to be able to earn enough money to have my own emergency fund. Every single problem is fixed by paying CEOs less and workers more.
- Comment on [spoilers] A Quiet Place (Rant) 1 year ago:
I watched that movie one time a few years back and I mainly remember the writing just being bad. Their survival decisions made no sense to me. Just hated the logic of that movie.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Where the fuck is all of this weird right wing garbage coming from?
- Comment on Disgraceful 1 year ago: