- Comment on This is not a record to be proud of. 8 months ago:
I like to picture Jesus in a Tuxedo T-shirt, 'cause it says, ‘I wanna be formal, but I’m here to party, too.’
- Comment on This is not a record to be proud of. 8 months ago:
You know, Jesus did grow up. You don’t always have to call him baby. It’s a bit odd and off putting to pray to a baby.
- Comment on Is there a movie with a significant portion of it shot through a telescope? 9 months ago:
Not sure if this is exactly what you’re looking for, but the opening scene to The Conversation uses a high-zoom shot:
Eye in the Sky also prominently features long-distance/high magnification shots from the perspective of a drone/UAV.
- Comment on ‘Furiosa’ First Reactions Say It’s a Stunning Powerhouse (But No ‘Fury Road’) 9 months ago:
I think this disagreement boils down to which elements are CGI.
Of course there are many background elements that are CGI in Fury Road, therefore most scenes do contain CGI. However, all the primary elements of the scenes (vehicles and characters/costumes) are generally practical. That doesn’t appear to be the case with Furiosa. The most important stuff appears to be CGI in many cases.
- Comment on ‘Furiosa’ First Reactions Say It’s a Stunning Powerhouse (But No ‘Fury Road’) 9 months ago:
Your second to last paragraph is pretty much my point. Obviously there was CGI in Fury Road. But you’re completely correct that the “important” stuff was practical effects.
That’s where my concern with Furiosa stems from; much more of the important stuff (vehicles and characters) appear to be CGI.
- Comment on ‘Furiosa’ First Reactions Say It’s a Stunning Powerhouse (But No ‘Fury Road’) 9 months ago:
I don’t think you’re completely accurate here. Do you have anything backing up your claim on the amount of CGI?
Fury Road is pretty well documented for using an inordinate amount of practical effects. Vehicles, costumes, explosions, etc. As far as I know, the most CGI was for the background/landscapes of scenes. And Furiousa’s hand of course. The quantity and the quality of CGI in Furiosa is my issue
- Comment on ‘Furiosa’ First Reactions Say It’s a Stunning Powerhouse (But No ‘Fury Road’) 9 months ago:
I thought so too. It was really disappointing compared to all the amazing practical effects in Fury Road.
- Comment on 2x2 lumber at Home Depot is now 1.28x1.28. Nominal size is supposed to be 1.5 9 months ago:
And if you’re a fan of quotation marks you could call it a “2"x4”."
- Comment on When you donate, do you ever think of the person that gets your blood and how high their hospital bill will be? 10 months ago:
Don’t get me wrong, I think that’s where the money should come from too. I just meant where else is the money going to come from in the current US healthcare system.
Unfortunately, we don’t live in a country where that’s the case right now. I think it is still a very good thing to donate blood, despite having for-profit/privatized healthcare.
- Comment on When you donate, do you ever think of the person that gets your blood and how high their hospital bill will be? 10 months ago:
Fair enough. If that’s the philosophy you want to live by, then who am I to say otherwise.
Personally, I’d rather help people the best I can in the world I live in.
- Comment on When you donate, do you ever think of the person that gets your blood and how high their hospital bill will be? 10 months ago:
But where does the money come from? It sucks that in the US it has to come from the patient, but that’s the world we live in right now. I think it’s worth doing all the good you can with the tools available at the moment. Even if it’s not perfect.
I’m just assuming you’re in the US. Sorry if that’s not the case and your country has a different situation.
- Comment on When you donate, do you ever think of the person that gets your blood and how high their hospital bill will be? 10 months ago:
That’s a terrible reason. You would rather a patient in need not have blood available than be charged for it?
There is definitely price gouging in blood. But it also requires testing, transportation, and storage before it can be used. The money for all that has to come from somewhere (unfortunately in the US it’s usually the patient).
- Comment on The Fallout TV show gave the Fallout games a huge player bump, as everyone remembers they like Fallout 10 months ago:
I’d definitely recommend it. I played it about a year after release and didn’t encounter any of the bugs/problems that people were experiencing right after release.
It’s not the best FO game, but it was still a lot of fun. All the new cryptids/mutants were very cool, and the scenery/environments were great.
- Comment on The Fallout TV show gave the Fallout games a huge player bump, as everyone remembers they like Fallout 10 months ago:
I was pretty nervous about the show, but it far exceeded my expectations. It did a great job staying mostly true to the FO universe, and striking a balance between the serious, dark humor, and absurd tones of the games.
Hopefully we get another Fallout game sometime this decade.
- Comment on If Hitler was captured, what would have been his punishment in the Nuremberg Trials? 10 months ago:
OP wasn’t asking for an accurate answer. The question presupposes Hitler is convicted in the Nuremberg trials.
- Comment on How does this math work? 11 months ago:
Watch this and it should clear things up.
- Comment on Oh no… 1 year ago:
Up the RA!
- Comment on 'Wildly more expensive': Workers with in-office jobs spend about $31/day that they wouldn't working from home — here's what employers need to do 1 year ago:
That’s fair to say for lunch. Not for breakfast though, unless one makes the argument there should also be a breakfast break.
Regardless, with the existing status quo it’s not a good financial decision to eat out for breakfast and lunch everyday.
- Comment on 'Wildly more expensive': Workers with in-office jobs spend about $31/day that they wouldn't working from home — here's what employers need to do 1 year ago:
I totally agree. There’s no reason anyone needs to consistently purchase breakfast and lunch if they work in an office.
If you don’t do it at home, why would you do it at the office?
- Comment on 'Wildly more expensive': Workers with in-office jobs spend about $31/day that they wouldn't working from home — here's what employers need to do 1 year ago:
To be fair, there’s no reason someone needs to purchase coffee and lunch when working in an office. Both can be easily packed from home.
Although many workers have to commute by car, which would offset a portion of those savings.
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 1 comment
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 4 comments
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 1 comment
- Comment on Tom Lehrer - Who's Next (the bomb song, 1967) 1 year ago:
The more things change, the more they stay the same.
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 5 comments
- Comment on The legendary Windows 1.0 with Steve Ballmer (upscaled) 1 year ago:
The Ball-man is just nuts about Microsoft. I highly recommend some of his highlights:
- Comment on The legendary Windows 1.0 with Steve Ballmer (upscaled) 1 year ago:
Pretty crazy that even Reversi is included for that low, low price.
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 9 comments
- In honor of Netflix ending its DVD service this month, here's what SNL had to say about the last Netflix DVD ↗Submitted 1 year ago to | 0 comments
- In honor of Netflix ending its DVD service this month, here's what SNL had to say about the last Netflix DVD ↗Submitted 1 year ago to | 1 comment