- Comment on The price breakdown of my flight is kinda funny, 80% taxes and fees 1 month ago:
Why not simply make the flight FREE*
(* Taxes and fees apply)
- Comment on Alan Emrich, the game designer and writer who coined the term '4X,' has died 2 months ago:
- Comment on Air fryers are simpler than you think, but still pretty neat [19:38] 4 months ago:
That’s a big point in the video, the creator also thought that they’re just glorified convection ovens. But it turns out that air fryers and convection ovens are optimized for different tasks so the food comes out differently, and there are other advantages to an air fryer too, depending on the situation. Just because they use the same technology doesn’t mean they do the exact same thing.
- Comment on I thought it was an easy question ... 4 months ago:
As a linguist, I’d just shrug.
- Comment on Light 9 months ago:
I’m not as against these “sad narratives” as you are, but I still think that this one just doesn’t make much sense. Photons hit random planets and stuff all of the time, so arguably hitting a living sentient being is one of the coolest things that could happen to a photon.
- Comment on Why has no one thought of this before?! 10 months ago:
Chat is this real
- Comment on Beans 10 months ago:
Yeah, the point of the joke is that crop rotation has been practiced for literally thousands of years. It was an agricultural invention which gave ancient cultures significantly higher crop yields, enabling a huge number of societal, cultural and scientific developments. The joke is based on the idea that before crop rotation was discovered, some people might have considered it a silly idea, delaying the developments enabled by the significantly increased crop yields.
- Comment on Boring ass planet 10 months ago:
Furthermore, it’s not that the original scientists failed to produce true-color images. The original published images of Neptune had deliberately enhanced colors to better show some of the features of the cloud surface, and the description text of the images said as much. But that nuance was quickly forgotten and everybody just took the deep blue coloring to reflect the actual color of the planet, which spread to depictions of the planet everywhere.
- Comment on Have you ever seen coal in real life? 11 months ago:
In my language, the word for coal refers to both types, but you can specify “wood coal” or “rock coal” if necessary.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
I see no problem as long as the fire department didn’t order them to touch it.
- Comment on Expertise 1 year ago:
There are roughly speaking two kinds of systems. The kind of system where Bachelor is the default degree you get from university, and you can go on to get a Masters and/or a doctorate. And the other kind of system where the default university degree is a combined Bachelor and Masters, and you can study further to get a doctorate. The latter kind is in use in a lot of continental Europe, at least.
- Comment on My RuneScape inspired indie fitness MMORPG WalkScape is looking for more beta testers 1 year ago:
This is looking really cool! I’m really interested in trying it out.
Since you mentioned Garmin Connect in this thread, I would like to throw in my five cents too. I’m in the Garmin ecosystem for my fitness tracking devices, so it would be amazing if the game could get my step counts from Garmin Connect, since that’s where I’m collecting them anyway, and lugging my phone around to do the step counting can be a bit cumbersome. But if the game is fun enough, I guess it’s not a dealbreaker for the time being!
- Comment on It's a new era. 1 year ago:
I’m not an American, but
I’ve literally never seen a check in my life, and I’ve been around since the late 80s.
- Comment on I got this popup ad on my TV **while watching a DVD** 1 year ago:
I agree in general, but to mention one potential benefit: DVD only supports SD resolutions, streaming services may have the same content in HD.
- Comment on "Why are TV Cameras still huge and expensive?" 1 year ago:
He’s not talking in comparison to shitty phone cameras, but in comparison to DSLR type cameras, why they are not good enough for broadcast TV.
- Comment on Why is real estate "real?" 1 year ago:
“Real” in this sense is not etymologically related to “royal”.
- Comment on Scrooge mcduck discovers bankruptcy 1 year ago:
I mean, THE main character traits of Scrooge McDuck are that he’s stingy and absolutely ludicrously filthy rich.
- Comment on This concept for budget double decker airline seating 1 year ago:
One word: Claustrophobia
- Comment on How do I come up with a good username? 1 year ago:
Naming things is the hardest part of everything.
That’s why I’m never going to have children.