- Comment on Bobby Fingers - Joe Rogan and The Black Keys Diorama 3 weeks ago:
This was inspired from The Black Key’s talking about Bobby Fingers on JRE, but couldn’t remember his name. So he made a diorama and a song in the style of the Black Eye Keys to help them remember his name the next time they go on a podcast.
Coincidentally, I also recently referenced Bobby Fingers because of the Drunk Mel Gibson Diorama video. And, much like the Drummer for the Blacks Eye Keys, I also couldn’t remember the name. Just like Joe Rogan, my spouse quickly changed the subject to UFOs and UFCs.
You better believe I won’t forget the name of Old Bobby Fingers after I listen to this amazing song every day of the rest of my short, miserable existence. I can’t stop hearing my own inner dialogue in the voice of Bobby Fingers now. Send help.
- Comment on What games have you sunk the most time into? 3 weeks ago:
Spelunky 1 and Spelunky 2 by far. 1000+ hours in each I still never got to the Sunken City :-(
Beyond that: Dwarf Fortress, Road Rash/Road Redemption, Oblivion, The Halos (1-3)
- Comment on how badly could a pelican fuck me up in a fight? 5 weeks ago:
And where were they now The little people of Stonehenge And what would they say to us If we were here tonight
- Comment on Make this thread look like it's your first day on the internet 4 months ago:
I received a chain e-mail saying that If I mail the person who sent me this $1 and forward the e-mail to all my entire contact list, I will be a millionaire. There are hundreds of email addresses in the body of this email from all the forwards that have happened before it was forwarded to me. How cool! Unrelated: how are all these spammers getting my email address? I only gave it to all my friends and family. And my friends/family only send me cool chain emails and funny jokes. e-mail is a new technology, so surly they will fix this spam problem by the year 2000.
- Comment on You Should Check Out the Indie Web | You've Got Kat 5 months ago:
It takes longer to write that reply than it does to type “open web kat” into a search tool. Here you go, poor soul: m.youtube.com/watch?v=rTSEr0cRJY8&pp
- Comment on Xbox Console Sales Continue To Crater With Massive 42% Revenue Drop - Slashdot 5 months ago:
Every xbox360 console I have owned or known others to own was defective within a short timespan. I would never trust their hardware ever again.
- Comment on Is there any significance to people using emojis that match their skin tone? 7 months ago:
Isn’t it weird that only the white people in The Simpsons are yellow? There’s other races that aren’t yellow. And the Simpson’s world mirrors the real word; a large number of yellow people migrated from Eastern Europe to settle in Springfield.
I guess it’s better than the Doug universe, with people being either Caucasian or blue or purple. Very weird choice of representation, Nickelodeon! 👀
- Comment on Which is less religious: Xmas or Christmas? 1 year ago:
In some countries Christmas is a national holiday. It’s simply the name of a holiday that affects everyone in my country (USandA). Because of that, it’s both a secular and religious holiday. So do what you want with that. Celebrate by worship, by spending money, by seeing family, or do nothing and enjoy the quietest day of the year (in my city, at least).
And not to mention that Christmas isn’t even a real holiday; the Christians just co-opted and modified all the solstice holidays of every culture they conquered. The only “reason for the season” is to indoctrinate. Merry Christmas!
- Comment on Is there a way I can force my garage open from the outside? 1 year ago:
They all use springs. Modern garage doors use torsion springs which are safer. They look like a small rod mounted on the wall directly above the garage door.