- Submitted 7 months ago to [deleted] | 2 comments
- Comment on It's like St. George slaying the Dragon, but with cartoons so it's safe for children. 1 year ago:
From Bing originally. It carries a CC license.
I prompted, edited (like extra ears, strange helmet accessories, logos being off), printed, assembled, and added/changed details once it was glued to a board.
I’ve given up on trying to decide if AI images are mine. Otherwise, have at it.
- Comment on It's like St. George slaying the Dragon, but with cartoons so it's safe for children. 1 year ago:
By me.
- Submitted 1 year ago to [deleted] | 10 comments
- Comment on [Music Notation] What does "D M F# m/5+" mean? 1 year ago:
hahaha - I’m following the FAFO method to musical education right now, and this advice is reassuring.
- Submitted 1 year ago to [deleted] | 13 comments
- Comment on Sheet posting shit music? 1 year ago:
It looks like tabs paired with sheet music. Tabs are literal instructions for string instrument players of which fret to use instead of which note.
BUT instead of the sheet music being sheet music, it is N64 inputs. But the tabs I was working off of continued past the classic inputs. The sheet music devolves into PS inputs and Navi and The-Fucking-Owl inputs. My thinking was, if you could have played those notes with an n64 controller, you would have, but they required different buttons.
The words sheet and shit sound similar. I’m clearly not very creative, so I reversed their order for the title.
Do you see now? Is it funny yet?
No? Maybe because it’s not a good joke.
- Comment on ELI5: What is scat? The internet one. 1 year ago:
I thought I would be safe if I hovered and read the URL. Nope. Nooooope.
- Comment on ELI5: What is scat? The internet one. 1 year ago:
Is that anything like 1 guy, 1lb of raw bacon?
- Comment on ELI5: What is scat? The internet one. 1 year ago:
You misspelled doo.
- Comment on ELI5: What is scat? The internet one. 1 year ago:
Nope. It’s a murder.
- Comment on ELI5: What is scat? The internet one. 1 year ago:
I managed to skip that one in middle school when it dropped. I was not so fortunate with 3 guys 1 hammer.
- Comment on ELI5: What is scat? The internet one. 1 year ago:
It came up in the Lemme-Shitpost update post. It seemed like a kind of spam, but an extra bad spam that was nearing on repugnance to csam. After an inadequate warning about 3 guys, 1 hammer, I try to err on the side of caution.
- Comment on ELI5: What is scat? The internet one. 1 year ago:
I have no follow up questions.
- Submitted 1 year ago to [deleted] | 25 comments
- Comment on What's good in small concentrations, but lethal in higher? What's a glaring red flag you're encroaching on a lethal concentration? 1 year ago:
To quote, poorly from memory, the wisdom of Silenus “The best fate for a man is to never have been born at all, the second best fate is to die quickly.”
- Comment on What's good in small concentrations, but lethal in higher? What's a glaring red flag you're encroaching on a lethal concentration? 1 year ago:
It’s been 10 hours for us.
- Comment on What's good in small concentrations, but lethal in higher? What's a glaring red flag you're encroaching on a lethal concentration? 1 year ago:
Alle Dinge sind Gift, und nichts ist ohne Gift; allein die Dosis macht, dass ein Ding kein Gift ist.
All things are poison, and nothing is without poison; the dosage alone makes it so a thing is not a poison.
Paracelsus, 1538
The word for poison in German is Gift?!
The word has been used as a euphemism for “poison” since Old High German, a semantic loan from Late Latin dosis (“dose”), from Ancient Greek δόσις (dósis, “gift; dose of medicine”). The original meaning “gift” has disappeared in contemporary Standard German, but remains in some compounds (see Mitgift). Compare also Dutch gift (“gift”) alongside gif (“poison”).
Well that’s dumb.
- Comment on What's good in small concentrations, but lethal in higher? What's a glaring red flag you're encroaching on a lethal concentration? 1 year ago:
I was dual wielding.
- Comment on What's good in small concentrations, but lethal in higher? What's a glaring red flag you're encroaching on a lethal concentration? 1 year ago:
I think this is one of those “any amount is bad” things.
- Comment on What's good in small concentrations, but lethal in higher? What's a glaring red flag you're encroaching on a lethal concentration? 1 year ago:
Is there a lethal heartbeat? Google didn’t immediately tell me.
- Comment on What's good in small concentrations, but lethal in higher? What's a glaring red flag you're encroaching on a lethal concentration? 1 year ago:
woolpack From Middle English wolpak, wullepak, equivalent to wool + pack. A bag of wool, traditionally weighing 240 pounds.
TIL, Thx
- Comment on What's good in small concentrations, but lethal in higher? What's a glaring red flag you're encroaching on a lethal concentration? 1 year ago:
I’m not sure bout that. I know they say it, but on many occasions I’ve taken 80+mg orally in a day. Lethal dose is supposed to be 60.
- Comment on What's good in small concentrations, but lethal in higher? What's a glaring red flag you're encroaching on a lethal concentration? 1 year ago:
Huh. That might explain the last two weeks. Dental pains. Lot’s of tylenol. And why I feel much better now.
- Submitted 1 year ago to [deleted] | 124 comments
- Submitted 1 year ago to [deleted] | 3 comments
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
It’s a one dentist small practice. She left and gave the assistant an assignment that didn’t require her supervision. The procedure didn’t stop. Well, it did when I wasn’t able to proceed and then we waited for her to return.
Not sure how long we waited the first time or the second time. I only know a crown and a filling took 4.5 hours of chair time. And then I waited for 50 minutes curled up in my car in a grocery store parking lot waiting for the tylenol/advil to kick enough that I could pay attention to driving home.
I would love another dentist now, but that might have to wait. The crown feels like some of its resin extends into my gumline which is causing swelling and pain. I was told no other dentist would help me because it would mean assuming liability for someone else’s procedure.
I have an undignified aversion to going back to this particular dentist though. Hopefully my body can block out the memories of the sensations soon.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
It’s a situational thing. If I hoot and holler and make the dentist tap out, then I’m left with a nearly exposed pulp chamber and then have to find someone willing to jump in midway. If she doesn’t tap out but can’t concentrate on her work, then I get a bad crown and get to pay for a root canal. Being noisy might get a more quick response, but it adds in complications. Expensive and painful complications.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
You’re right.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
No to the first one. Not sure about the implication on the second. Are you saying I’m my friend? or is my friend not my friend?