- Comment on This would be a nice temperature for Easter, not for Christmas Eve. 1 year ago:
Same here in the UK. Far too warm.
- Comment on Current state of Reddit 1 year ago:
By the looks of it you haven’t ever done any thinking for anyone.
- Comment on Current state of Reddit 1 year ago:
Possibly the most clueless comment I’ve ever read.
- Comment on Current state of Reddit 1 year ago:
Of course there are. I’m still using Infinity.
- Comment on Current state of Reddit 1 year ago:
If you use the official app that’s on you.
- Comment on Good enough 1 year ago:
It’s bad parking but by far the worst.
- Comment on Is there a word in English to describe someone who wants to preserve a (minority) culture against erosion from a majority culture? 1 year ago:
- Comment on Those who are against iOS and Apple in general, have you tried their devices lately? 1 year ago:
I had an iPhone 12 for a couple of years but got fed up with how restrictive iOS is. I’ve also had a few iPads over the years but never really used them as much as I’d have hoped. My only experience with a Mac was trying to use an iMac on campus back when I was at uni and it was the slowest and laggiest computer I think I’ve ever used.
- Comment on Admiral car insurance loses thousands of customers 1 year ago:
I logged into the online portal and turns out I misremembered. It was actually £82.05.
- Comment on Admiral car insurance loses thousands of customers 1 year ago:
Nope. £69 was for a yearly policy. Initial renewal quote was £130 and I phoned up with a cheaper rival quote so they came down.
- Comment on Admiral car insurance loses thousands of customers 1 year ago:
£500?! For how mant cars. My latest car insurance was £69.
- Comment on Why isn't there a "Spotify premium" for news? 1 year ago:
Isn’t news free though?
- Comment on People who back into parking spots: Why? 1 year ago:
It’s easier to back into the space and it’s easier to drive out of it. The question should be why do people drive forwards into parking bays and then struggle to back out?
- Submitted 1 year ago to [deleted] | 23 comments
- Comment on The Hi and Lo directions on my range’s knobs 1 year ago:
Lo for the same reason it’s hi and not high.
- Comment on Do you use the swipe to type feature on your phone? 1 year ago:
I’ve been using it exclusively for nearly a decade at this point.