- Comment on Was the first SSN to be assigned in the US just 000-00-001? 4 months ago:
But it’s not secure. It’s the IN.
- Comment on Is everyone so depressed now partially because modern science has probably proven there is no god / afterlife? 7 months ago:
Figuring it out on your own is science, but I have a feeling OP didn’t actually personally search the world for one-horned horses or pointy eared-people with long lifespans. I bet they didn’t even work out how biology changes with scale and how evolution works to show that there can’t be tiny winged people.
- Comment on Which one is more energy/fuel efficient to cool the inside of the car: lower thermostat + lower fan speed, or slightly higher thermostat + higher fan speed? 1 year ago:
There is some optimal amount of thermostat vs fan speed. Whether you’re better with a lower thermostat and higher fan speed or vice versa depends on which side of this optimum you’re on. We as random internet strangers have no way to find this.
- Comment on Why there are no "secondary" sports league that allow performance enhancement drugs? 1 year ago:
I remember reading about Armstrong before he admitted to that, and he mentioned that he trains so that he has peak performance during the Tour de France. Then after the doping thing, I realized that’s what he was talking about.
- Comment on What is the likely outcome of the presidential immunity argument currently being used in courts? 1 year ago:
It would mean he couldn’t be punished for it. It wouldn’t mean his attempt at taking over the country would be successful. That said, we want to make it so there’s an actual punishment for that so presidents don’t just keep trying.
- Comment on What is the likely outcome of the presidential immunity argument currently being used in courts? 1 year ago:
The Supreme Court decides what’s allowed.
- Comment on Are MRNA vaccines any riskier than other vaccines? 1 year ago:
Messenger RNA, or mRNA, was discovered in the early 1960s; research into how mRNA could be delivered into cells was developed in the 1970s. So, why did it take until the global COVID-19 pandemic of 2020 for the first mRNA vaccine to be brought to market?
It sounds like the research isn’t new, but there hasn’t been any widely available vaccine since COVID. And given that mRNA vaccines aren’t the only option, it seems safer to stick with a more traditional vaccine.
- Comment on I'm using gpt4 on they call it copilot, i can only get it to generate images in 1024x1024 is there a way to get a higher resolution? 1 year ago:
I’m not familiar with how they do it in particular, but I do have some experience with what AI art in general can do.
I know there’s techniques to generate larger images, but it takes more computing power so I doubt you’d find a place doing it for free. Your simplest method would be to use a simpler AI upscaler like waifu2x. It won’t be able to add meaningful details, but it can still make it look okay at a higher resolution. Beyond that, you could start with a smaller image and then outpaint to add more to it. Or maybe generate on image, then upscale parts of it and using upscaling and outpainting from the parts already generated to do the rest.
- Comment on Was Jesus Christ a lich? 1 year ago:
Although there is no explicit evidence in the Gospels, we have reason to suggest that he also may have worn phylacteries.
- Comment on How is it that we hate the taste of coffe and still drink it? 1 year ago:
If you just want the caffeine you could just take a pill.
- Comment on Porn is harder to access 1 year ago:
Why isn’t it advertising friendly? Is there some reason getting someone to go to your website from a porn site or app is less helpful than getting them to go there from somewhere else?
- Comment on Porn is harder to access 1 year ago:
I can’t even figure out how to open an app on my computer. I can do it on my phone, but the keyboard and screen on there is tiny.
- Comment on Porn is harder to access 1 year ago:
If you make money through ads, you either use one of the few companies that accept porn
I don’t get this one. Why won’t people advertise on porn sites? A people who watch porn less likely to be customers? Or are they just as good, and there’s a huge market untapped outside of gambling and porn and everyone should advertise their services on porn sites? Or is it that the only companies that are good at figuring out what specific ads to show just refuse, and in an alternate reality where they didn’t you could just as easily advertise on NSFW websites?
- Comment on Why does lemmy have it, so any link takes you off the page instead of opening in a new window? 1 year ago:
I made this user style to help fix that problem by outlining images, and also make it so when you click an image it expands over the page at full size up to the width of the screen.
Though it’s not perfect. If the image is already black it’s hard to tell. You could change the outline color to something less common, but that looks ugly. Changing the boundary radius would probably be the best, but it’s already marked as !important so I don’t think I can change it. I’m open to suggestions on improving that part.
- Comment on Why does lemmy have it, so any link takes you off the page instead of opening in a new window? 1 year ago:
However there’s no easy way to force a browser to open a link in the current tab if the site wants to use a new tab.
Just hit ctrl+w after clicking the link. That will close the current tab.
- Comment on Why wasn't former President Bush of the USA, charged with any crimes, when we marched into Afghanistan and Iraq by his orders, under pretenses? 1 year ago:
You mean there wasn’t yet? I don’t know if that’s true, but I know there most definitely is precedent now.
- Comment on Is there a reason I should donate a kidney to a stranger now, rather than just waiting till I die, at which point both kidneys will probably be donated to strangers anyway? 1 year ago:
Counterpoint: If you’re an IT guy, you’re probably making enough money that you can donate mosquito nets and save tons of lives, and it’s not worth risking all that to save one more.
- Comment on Don't you agree that individuals that went back to reddit are the same type that don't want to stick to different stuff assuming that everyone else has done their research? 1 year ago:
I come here occasionally, but for the most part I use Reddit because it has the biggest user base, so you can find far more specific and active subreddits than Lemmy communities.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Or, and I admit I’m just spitballing here, maybe they consider fetuses to be people just like they say, and all the women who are pro-choice don’t just feel like they need to be oppressed?
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
You have to remember that pro-life people consider fetuses to be people. How many of your constituents would need to favor murdering babies for you to vote in favor if it?
- Comment on Has AI made any breakthroughs in other fields? Or how close are we to that happening? 1 year ago:
I’m asking whether AIs are able and allowed to modify THEIR OWN code.
Yes. They can write code. Right now the don’t have a big enough context window to write anything very useful, but scale everything up enough and they could.
Scientists are continuously baffled by the universe - very physical thing - and things they discover there. The point is that the knowledge that a thing follows certain specific laws does not give us the understanding of it and the mastery over it.
And my point is that neural networks don’t require understanding of whatever they’re trained on. The reason I brought up that human brains are turing complete is just to show that an algorithm for human-level intelligence exists. Given that, a sufficiently powerful neural network would be able to find one.
- Comment on Has AI made any breakthroughs in other fields? Or how close are we to that happening? 1 year ago:
Are AIs we have at our disposal able and allowed to self-improve on their own?
Yes. That’s what training is. There’s systems for having them write their own training data. And ultimately, an AI that’s good enough at copying a human can write any text that human can. Humans can improve AI by writing code. So can an AI. Humans can improve AI by designing new microchips. So can an AI.
These are of course tongue-in-cheek examples of what a human brain can, but - from the persepctive of neuroscience, psychology and a few adjacent fields of study - it is absolutely incorrect to say that AIs can do what a human brain can, because we’re still not sure how our brains work, and what they are capable of.
We know they follow the laws of physics, which are turing complete. And we have pretty good reason to believe that their calculations aren’t reliant on quantum physics.
Individual neurons are complicated, but there’s no reason to believe they exact way they’re complicated matters. They’re complicated because they have to be self-replicating and self-repairing.
- Comment on Has AI made any breakthroughs in other fields? Or how close are we to that happening? 1 year ago:
I agree with the basic idea, but there’s not some fundamental distinction between what we have now and true AI. Maybe we’ll find breakthroughs that help, but the systems we’re using now would work given enough computing power and training. There’s nothing the human brain can do that they can’t, so with enough resources they can imitate the human brain.
Making one smarter than a human wouldn’t be completely trivial, but I doubt it would be all that difficult given that the AI is powerful enough to imitate something smarter than a human.