- Comment on Reel Big FishGPT 1 year ago:
I mean, I love ska. But a whole eternity of it? It’s just way too much.
- Comment on Return to the office? These workers quit instead. 1 year ago:
It doesn’t make sense because it’s some conspiracy theory level bullshit. It would imply that big CEOs or board members either:
- Possess a big percentage of the current real estate properties (and I mean, huge, like 50%)
- Big part of their assets are in real estate (again, more than 30%)
And, that of course, they are all colluding. Meaning, there is a kind of Illuminati kind of society of all the CEOs that get together with pie charts and excels to see how to maximize their profits.
It’s a delusion that people with a low grasp of reality are using to cope with the fact that:
- Economy is shit
- There are people that, because of connection and money, are unscathed by the economic shitinnes we live in
- Because the economy is shit, companies are grasping to get out of red numbers
- Because we have had mediocre to sheerly bad managers in almost every industry for most of the last three decades thanks to some economic bonanzas, the only way they see they can improve the margins is by doing stupid things like back to office
I like Hanlon’s razor for these cases: Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity. I this, I feel, is indeed that.
- Comment on It'll happen, one of these days 1 year ago:
This old meme brings back memories. Gosh it was so funny, and still is.
Remote in the ass and all.
- Comment on It'll happen, one of these days 1 year ago:
Ah… war. The oldest and most revered of all human traditions. That and rape. We sure are a lovely bunch.