- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
Smoke catnip? That’s a new one to me. Now, some catnip in herbal tea blends? That hits the spot.
- Comment on I love that movie 6 months ago:
You are not alone 🤣
- Comment on I will not be taking questions. 8 months ago:
Oh hey, my fear. Do you have door knobs, or uh - the flat handled kind that swing down or up? I just realized I don’t know what those lever like door handles are called.
I can hear one of my cats pawing at the door knob at night, he’d be getting in places he shouldn’t if we had those flat kind.
- Comment on I will not be taking questions. 8 months ago:
I have cats and would never have the audacity to do something as vulgar as that.
- Comment on pick your side 9 months ago:
I can’t tell if you’re trolling or not lol
- Comment on pick your side 9 months ago:
Science is green no matter the subject. But yeah, math is definitely always blue.
- Comment on I bought frozen BBQ eel and the best before date says LJ349. What does this mean? 10 months ago:
Ah, fair! I only very recently started learning some Japanese, so beyond hiragana and katakana, I recognize basically nothing. I absolutely wouldn’t be able to recognize the others as Cantonese!
- Comment on I bought frozen BBQ eel and the best before date says LJ349. What does this mean? 10 months ago:
It’s Japanese not Mandarin too. I see うなぎ - unagi, which is definitely Hiragana
- Comment on C O L O N I Z E 10 months ago:
Are you at least vaguely responsible? You should be fine, grow a way man!
- Comment on The real personality test 10 months ago:
I don’t know if I agree with the content necessarily but do find it funny if I’m following right.
When on the phone with an automated system, many of them will bypass to a real person if they hear certain phrases, “representative” being a very commonly used one. I think it’s saying the way you say representative reflects your true self, whether you just calmly repeat “representative”, or yell “REPRESENTATIVE” at the robot until someone picks up lol
- Comment on Anon buys an air fryer 11 months ago:
I thought they were dumb for the longest time, but I only have a conventional oven. Some stuff you want a convection oven for. It’s definitely a WAY cheaper alternative than buying a new oven that has both features, that’s for sure. Definitely need to adjust to the difference for temperature and time though, I’ve made that mistake before
- Comment on Octos lean more cat I think 11 months ago:
It’s 2am and I don’t care to admit how long I looked at this.
- Comment on Duolingo is wild 11 months ago:
Yeah that’s pretty much where I’m at. I joined my buddy in his wife’s Japanese club, but I know absolutely nothing. Trying Duolingo primarily to learn the alphabets. It’s not perfect, but I can recognize them all and read Hiragana, so it’s not completely worthless!
Didn’t help me learn how to wite at ALL though. Too little practice, it’s definitely a tool (for some languages as least) that’s meant to be used with other learning methods
- Comment on How does this math work? 11 months ago:
Remember in school when they made a big deal about the order of operations? This is why. It’s not clear as to why, as you’re not seeing the entire picture though, just some numbers.
- Comment on When the landlord asks for a tip 1 year ago:
Lol what? Almost all places I know (around here at least), the power and Internet bills are paid by the tenants
- Comment on More of a uniform than a costume. 1 year ago:
The scariest part of going to the city is driving if you don’t do it often. That’s… All I can think of. I guess getting lost? I can do that in the woods too though
- Comment on Trendy 1 year ago:
When you say bullshit about GameStop, are you talking about the memestock thing? Because they never really stopped