- Comment on Ackchuallly 5 months ago:
I guess I tend to use data as a mass noun when referring to computer data (“there’s a lot of data on that drive”) and as a regular noun when referring to data in the scientific sense (“these data show xyz”)
- Comment on The low effort presentation of the tenured prof is often way better btw 7 months ago:
When I was in grad school I would split the difference with 25 slides and 57 backup slides clicked together frantically 15 minutes earlier
- Comment on Caption this. 8 months ago:
Things got a bit weird before the invention of the pencil sharpener
- Comment on Knowledge is power 8 months ago:
That does tend to simplify the aerodynamics modeling
- Comment on Throwing Coffin Bones 9 months ago:
Horses evolved this way so they could forever be giving you “the finger”
- Comment on Still wondering why people from Alaska didn't post about the eclipse 11 months ago:
Deep underground, near the earth’s where it’s still warm
- Comment on Caption this. 11 months ago:
Fun fact: soccer has no official rule against manipulating the ball with your eye lasers
- Comment on high rise 1 year ago:
They’re charging how much for 10^-12^ sq ft?