- Comment on Electric buses are sitting unused in cities across the US; here's why 1 year ago:
That’s good news - such shit that a badly managed company can leave taxpayers holding the bag like that.
Idk tho, busses get the shit beat out of them… I’ve known some bus mechanics and most of what they do is suspension/breaks and like aircon type shit, the drivetrain is only a part of the job.
Just speculating wildly for fun - I wonder if it’s just that they didn’t design with off the shelf parts so once they went under nobody could get their specific suspension bits or whatever the hell got busted.
I do agree that software issues so quickly does indicate some fuckery, though. Also the fact that they went under lmao
- Comment on Electric buses are sitting unused in cities across the US; here's why 1 year ago:
So the company that made them failed so they’re useless? Capitalism! 🎉
- Comment on What my wife calls me after... *the incident* 1 year ago:
I enjoy it too much when shitposts are shit related
- Comment on Wishing you and your family a December to remember 1 year ago:
Hern dah
- Comment on Why are pipes used in plumbing more than hoses? 1 year ago:
Pass me that blunt
- Comment on Oilers' McDavid wants NHL to reverse ban on theme tape including for Pride 1 year ago:
Uncle Iroh would disown and give up on you.
- Comment on Bosses and workers still can’t agree on whether the commute is part of the work day, and it’s creating a $578 billion productivity problem 1 year ago:
I want to make a ‘give my back my god damn stapler or I’ll burn the building down’ joke, but it’s a highrise and I don’t want to be on some FBI list or something.
- Comment on Bosses and workers still can’t agree on whether the commute is part of the work day, and it’s creating a $578 billion productivity problem 1 year ago:
When they forced me back into the office I didn’t ask permission, I’m just subtracting the hours I commute from my workday. Nobody I work with is in the office I go to so I just poke the mouse every 15min and tether my personal laptop to my phone for the first couple of hours while I decompress from the hour commute. Nobody ever comes by my cube, I’m just in a depressing beige box all day hating the company that’s making me be there.
I used to like my job and go out of my way to find and solve problems. Sometimes I’d work at night if there was something interesting I’d found. Now I’m never ever online after I get home and I’m doing enough to not get fired.
- Comment on Nintendo switch 2 akin to PS4/XBO power 1 year ago:
But how will I know I’m better than everyone if everything isn’t shiny and I can see the reflection of my hot pink leopard striped assault rifle in every sweat drop on my enemy’s forehead?!
- Comment on Bunch of other empty parking spots and this jerk chooses to park there. 1 year ago:
Yeah that’s fair. Tbh this is probably just a jackass, just throwing an alternate viewpoint out there.
- Comment on Bunch of other empty parking spots and this jerk chooses to park there. 1 year ago:
I used to work with a Vietnam vet that had his leg blown off and he rode a Harley with whatever the left side foot controls on a motorcycle are relocated. He told good stories about being part of a tank crew and ordered flaming shots at the bar, fun guy to talk to.
Just saying, don’t assume.
- Comment on Touching grass is 1 year ago:
- Comment on Austin School District Shuttles Students to Pride Parade 1 year ago:
Fuck outa here with this homophobic “LGBTQ people are tryin to fuck your kids” bullshit. No they’re not. Go be bigoted on truth social or X or whatever.
And guess what? It’s probable that some of those kids are gonna turn out gay when they grow up - it’s not something that people just wake up one day and say “you know what I’d like to be? a sexual orientation that people hate”, it’s not a choice for some people, they’re just attracted to the same sex and it’s confusing and scary because often they don’t want to be the way that that god made them.
Taking them to the parade and letting them see that there is a community of people that are also like them I’d the educational purpose.
- Comment on Donald Glover and Brother Stephen to Write ‘Lando’ Series at Disney+ as Justin Simien Exits 1 year ago:
Speak no more of Leave-o, Speak-o!