- Comment on Is there a way to watch DS9 whole skipping the prophet & pah wraith plotline 2 days ago:
Like any Trek, it takes about 2-2.5 seasons for the show to find itself and reach excellence.
Take the good with the bad, and you’ll get to the amazing parts in short time.
- Comment on Please advise on this conversation we had over on c/Piracy. Transporters and replicators, basic operating principles? 1 month ago:
How does a Tom Riker happen then? How are you able to completely duplicate an entire being if the original isn’t being “killed” and then a new copy created in the new location.
- Comment on Colm Meaney to Receive Irish Academy's Lifetime Achievement Award 1 month ago:
Nope, and I definitely tried looking it up and getting some when I first saw it. 😂
- Comment on Colm Meaney to Receive Irish Academy's Lifetime Achievement Award 1 month ago:
Haha! That’s awesome! It’s one of my favorite movies.
- Comment on Colm Meaney to Receive Irish Academy's Lifetime Achievement Award 1 month ago:
The first thing I ever saw him in was “Intermission”, so you can imagine my shock upon discovering him on Trek a couple years ago.
- Comment on Is overwatch 2 really that bad? 5 months ago:
Typing this in-between matches and after playing for the last 4 hours: It sucks, but I’m still here 😂
Honestly though: If you don’t take super serious, it’s fun to play. Every now and then I’ll buy the battle pass because there’s some character skins I want and when I can get a group of friends to play, we always have a blast together.
People who lose their minds over a Moira who “does too much DPS” or send “tank diff” into the game chat make it annoying to play, and it can get frustrating if you’re a streaming who is trying to rank or something, but just jumping on to have some fun playing in the different roles and getting good at different characters’ kits makes the game remain fun.
- Comment on Worst examples of Treknobabble 5 months ago:
The writers: We are smart.
- Comment on Worst examples of Treknobabble 5 months ago:
I’m going through Voyager now and I feel like they do this nonsense more than any of the other Treks thus far.
- Comment on "Concord servers are now offline. Thank you to all the freegunners who have joined us in the Concord galaxy" 5 months ago:
They are. The makers announced refunds along with the cancellation.
- Comment on A Minecraft Movie | Teaser 5 months ago:
I hadn’t viewed the trailer before that prior comment.
Judging from that trailer, they likely wouldn’t change anything about Black at all.
- Comment on A Minecraft Movie | Teaser 5 months ago:
If this doesn’t include something about Herobrine, it will be a complete failure and deservedly so!
- Comment on An important update on Concord 5 months ago:
Yeah, ain’t no monetizing scheme is gonna save this one.
This is the key marketing fail. They released an OW clone, and then failed to highlight the differences. I might have thrown $40 at it, if I’d known that there wasn’t going to be a battlepass or something equally asinine to come with that price tag.
I played through their free weekend beta some time in July and didn’t hate it, but it was clunky and the designs were uglier than OW. That said, I had expected them to clean it up before release; anything except let it stand with its overarching veneer of greyige+olive green over every character.
I think they just released it to say it was released and be able to do the write-offs. Otherwise, any game that had been in development this long would have seen a huge marketing campaign that highlighted why players should abandon OW, et al for Concord instead.
- Comment on How my family got to Star Trek 7 months ago:
It’s the 138th rule.
- Comment on The PlayStation 2 9 months ago:
Despite it being the weakest of its generation
The PS2 was still being produced until PS4 was introduced, and its last game was released even after the production ended in 2013 (Nov 2013, but still…)
PS1 and PS2 were both masters of their generations. The OG Xbox was just really “Halo box” back then, and GameCube was awesome, but not as strong as PS2.
- Comment on George Takei was on Colbert yesterday 10 months ago:
Please don’t. This is great!
- Comment on Star Wars Outlaws' $110 and $130 editions prompt a collective sigh from potential players tired of season passes and ill-advised early access periods 10 months ago:
It’s completely asinine for a game to cost this much, especially since it is going to be chock full of equally asinine microtransactions and costly DLC.
The “patient games” methodology is the best way to approach all gaming these days because, odds are, the game won’t be worth the $20-30 later price point anyway.
- Comment on Apple terminates Epic Games developer account calling it a 'threat' to the iOS ecosystem 11 months ago:
“More recently, you have described our DMA compliance as ‘hot garbage,’ a ‘horror show,’ and a ‘devious new instance of Malicious Compliance.’ And you have complained about what you called ‘Junk Fees’ and ‘Apple taxes.”
I’m sorry, but this exchange is just plain hilarious to me. 🤣 It reads like a recording between a couple going through an acrimonious divorce.
- Comment on This console generation seems skippable 1 year ago:
I didn’t need to buy my PS5 either, but my PS4 was a much older device I’d bought cheap from a co-worker and I felt like it was getting slow.
The bonus of having both is that the PS4 is comparatively light and compact, so I can travel with it, and for the two PS5 exclusives I have, there is an option to remote play the PS5 on the PS4, so I’m generally happy with my purchase.
All that notwithstanding, I’ve got an Xbox One X and I’ve seen no real need to upgrade that to a Series X. There are no Xbox exclusives for the Series X/S that have been driving forces.
This generation honestly feels like it lacks direction. The consoles are more expensive and are huge devices, with controllers that now cost more than games. With the original scarcity of the newer consoles, nearly four years into this generation, new releases are still available for the older gen. I feel like we’re reaching a point where console evolution either needs to take an enormous leap, or we just stop seeing console generations altogether.
- Comment on Not that difficult to buy a home in UK, claims NatWest chair 1 year ago:
Not just verbal.
- Comment on Boris Johnson asked experts if you could kill Covid by blowing hairdryer up nose 1 year ago:
The guy is pure irredeemable scum.
I mean…they do sound similar. 😬
- Comment on Boris Johnson asked experts if you could kill Covid by blowing hairdryer up nose 1 year ago:
Wow. He really is the British Trump, isn’t he?
- Comment on Woman slams selfish paragliders who 'made her think Hamas were invading Doncaster' 1 year ago:
Hey man! Facts don’t sell! They don’t move content and they don’t generate clicks.
You and your accuracy are out of place!
- Comment on Britons have started handing in XL bullies to be put down, MPs told 1 year ago:
So, now there’s going to be an increase of strays of a breed viewed as dangerous just wandering around?
Also, euthanizing healthy animals who’ve not done anything wrong sounds just plain barbaric. Why not just stop the sale or adoption of the breed instead of just abandoning or killing them?
- Comment on Demand to reverse Brexit hits ‘highest ever level’ 1 year ago:
Brea Culpa! This time, Britain gets to take up the Euro!
- Comment on ROCKSMITH 2014 LEAVING STORES - Ubisoft 1 year ago:
But Rock Band 4 still lets you buy and play songs from the first three Rock Band games and those were from the X360 era.
Interestingly enough, Harmonix still releases new music for the game that was released the sams year as the first Xbox One.
- Comment on Every Franchise Xbox Now Owns After Buying Activision 1 year ago:
Candy Crush Saga. Guaranteed.
- Comment on Diablo® IV is coming to Steam 1 year ago:
Why? So they can get that coveted “Overwhelmingly Negative” rank on Steam like they have elsewhere?
- Comment on Rishi Sunak says people ‘can’t be any sex they want to be’ in new swipe at trans community 1 year ago:
I need someone to make that meme of Mr Bean looking over that dude’s shoulder with Mr. Bean labeled as Sunak and the other dude as the American GQP.
I’m not sure I understand why the Tories insist on taking leaves straight out of the US ultra hard right Maga playbook on these things. This is one of those areas where the UK should be separating themselves away from what we’re dealing with in the US. Instead, it seems as if y’all Brits are really digging your heels in on trans issues when there are so many other issues on the agenda (this is the case in the US as well, so trust, I can fully appreciate the frustration).
From my best understanding, this is Sunak’s appeal towards hoping that he and all the Tories are run out of office during your next general election, but dang! This has got to be the most asinine take I’ve seen…since yesterday (things are perfectly inane in the US government at the moment).
- Comment on Having trouble deciding what game to play next . which one of these games should i try 1 year ago:
BioShock! The others are going to take 10 years to get through, even though they’re all a good time. 😅
- Comment on Unity Claims PlayStation, Xbox & Nintendo Will Pay Its New Runtime Fee On Behalf Of Devs 1 year ago:
The fact that these decisions are coming down from the ex-CEO of EA Games, who was the CEO when EA was voted “Worst Company in the World”, just makes all this even more entertaining to watch.
GamePass and probably most cheap sales are all going up in flames because Unity has hired a demon to lead them into oblivion.