- Comment on Stories removed from the Hacker News Front Page, updated in real time 1 year ago:
I couldn’t believe no one wanted to about increasingly obscure generative AI news so I made a whole project to prove it.
- Comment on [Kind of weekly thread] What have you been watching? 1 year ago:
I will definitely keep that in mind when I start it back up. It’s a show that needs the right expectations going in.
- Comment on [Kind of weekly thread] What have you been watching? 1 year ago:
Catching up on Our Flag Means Death. The second season is very good.
A little late but just started Wheel of Time. As someone who never read the books I’m interested so far. It definitely pushes its budget sometimes but that’s nothing that can’t be overlooked.
I’ve also been catching up on Star Trek Strange New Worlds. I’m nearly done with the second season and it’s some of my favorite Trek ever. I think it’s good enough I’ll go pick back up Discovery.
- Comment on Can you use an oil lantern inside of a wood stove for all night heat? 1 year ago:
In my wood stove, at least, it would drip though into the ash catch, which is a much thinner metal than the cast iron stove body and not really meant to have something actively burning in it. Kerosene also likely burns hotter than wood.
So you’d have a too hot fire burning in all the wrong places in the stove, it might be ok and it might burn a hole through something and start a fire.
- Comment on If someone pleads not guilty in court and is then found guilty of the crime anyway, does perjury get added to the list of crimes as well? 1 year ago:
Same process in the United States
- Comment on Why didn't SBF flee? 1 year ago:
On top of the many other reasons here, there’s also a pretty distinct difference between countries without a US extradition treaty and countries that won’t extradite to the US. Many countries without formal treaties will still happily hand over a US citizen trying to hide in their country. It might be a different story if he had dual citizenship somewhere but anywhere he tried to flee he’d be immigrating illegally.
- Comment on Mayim Bialik Out As ‘Jeopardy!’ Host 1 year ago:
Richards was middle of the pack at best imo and maneuvering himself into the job was incredibly sleazy.
- Comment on Mayim Bialik Out As ‘Jeopardy!’ Host 1 year ago:
I love LeVar Burton but his week on jeopardy was awful. There’s no way he was even on a short list afterwards.
- Comment on how do I know if I've been banned from an instance other than my own? 1 year ago:
I host this instance just for myself. I use bans locally to curate my all feed. I don’t really need problematic people getting alerts about what I do.
- Comment on De-escalation 1 year ago:
Should just transfer them to another one in the next town over after a paid 3 month leave.
- Comment on [Weekly thread] What is the best movie you watched last week? 9 September 1 year ago:
Finally saw Dazed and Confused. Other than a couple pretty extreme bullying/abuse scenes it’s a really cozy slice of life.
- Comment on Why don’t we use radiators as heat sinks in the summer and pump cold water through them? 1 year ago:
Energy transfer is proportional to the difference in temperature between the 2 things (delta T), their contact surface area (in this case the length of the radiator and the size of the fins), and time. If you want a room to change temperature quickly and with radiators that don’t take up an entire wall then you need the water temperature to be very different from the room temperature.
- Comment on Why don’t we use radiators as heat sinks in the summer and pump cold water through them? 1 year ago:
Hot water radiators are designed to work with temperature deltas in the 110 degree F range (target 70 room temp, 180 water temp). In the summer your temperature deltas are much tighter, you can only get to at best 32 F before the water freezes and with a target of 70 that’s only 38 degrees of temperature delta trying to cool the room. They simply won’t work efficiently enough for it to be worth it, not to mention being on the floor is very poor positioning for summer.
- Comment on Why shouldn’t firearm manufacturers be held accountable for the use of their weapons in crimes? 1 year ago:
I would support this if there was evidence that manufacturers were knowingly (or purposefully not doing do diligence) selling to distributors who weren’t following the rules or were somehow pressuring distributors to bend the rules to sell more (conspiracy). Otherwise its really on the distributors to be doing background checks, adhering to waiting periods, and using proper discretion. If we want less guns around then there need to be legal limits on sales and ownership, and those limits need to be enforced.
- Comment on [What is the best movie you watched last week?] 26 August 1 year ago:
La Haine. Really well shot, very interesting drama about 3 young French men in the poor parts of Paris.
- Comment on Why is science better than the alternative? (And what is that alternative, exactly?) 1 year ago:
To get knowledge from scratch there really is only observation. We are pretty limited as human beings, we can only take in information about things we can directly sense, we can sense through indirect observation, or that we can build instruments to sense for us. After that its the same thing I mentioned above, use some method to refine that observation into a repeatable, testable theory.
The bad science that many people try to do is to start with a theory, usually with some social or political agenda attached, and work backward collecting evidence that “supports” it. That’s not a way of gaining knowledge though, it’s just a way of emulating the look and feel of science.
- Comment on Why is science better than the alternative? (And what is that alternative, exactly?) 1 year ago:
The Scientific Method is currently the best way humans have for taking observations about the world and deriving meaning from them. There have been other methods before and it’s entirely probably that there will be another one in the future.
Scientific methodologies provide a framework to develop and analyze experiments. Without one you may end up doing a test and coming out the other side not really knowing what you were testing in the first place. You may also take experimental data and start analyzing it for things that the experiment couldn’t properly capture. This can lead to meaningless or misleading results.
- Comment on Metadata and torrents. ELI5? 1 year ago:
A good example for metadata and privacy that might be applicable to you is photos. Phone cameras attach a ton of useful data to your photos, often including the exact gps coordinates where it was taken. Sharing those files directly with people could potentially leak your home address. Most online photo hosting services (Facebook, imgur, Instagram, Lemmy, etc) strip that data for you but that wouldn’t be the case if you directly emailed it to someone.
Nothing to be super paranoid about but it’s a great example of metadata leaking unintuitive information.
- Comment on BREAKING: CEO Bob Iger Considering Selling Streaming Services and Other Assets, May Even Try to Sell Entire Disney Company 1 year ago:
Selling distribution seems like a decent move. Focus on production and sell to every other steamer.
Selling the whole company is click bait. Even Apple (suggested in the article), doesn’t have the cash or desire to buy Disney outright. At best it would look like a merger and be mostly stock but it’d still be monumentally stupid for everyone.