- Comment on Been playing FF7 Rebirth (35 hours in) and really not enjoying it. Does anyone else feel this way? 10 months ago:
I just beat it yesterday. Took me about 115 hours but I enjoyed most of my time in that except for the last bits of side content which I thought weren’t balanced that well. I think it’s definitely a polarizing game but if you like it then it’s probably the best Final Fantasy game to come out in the past 20 years.
If you’re not enjoying it though then just drop it. It’s just a video game at the end of the day.
- Comment on Persona 3 Reload: Expansion Pass | Xbox Partner Preview 11 months ago:
Gonna wait to play this till the definitive edition is out. Learned my lesson with Persona 5 and Royal.
- Comment on FINAL FANTASY XIV: DAWNTRAIL Full Trailer 1 year ago:
Yeah, agree. That’s why I think just having a fun time expansion could be good. Although harder to make players care if the stakes are low I guess?
I personally won’t be playing this expansion for a while anyway. Maybe next year when I have more free time so I’ll get to see the general consensus before going in. Hope it’s good.
- Comment on FINAL FANTASY XIV: DAWNTRAIL Full Trailer 1 year ago:
Love this trailer. It gives off a pretty chill vibe and will hopefully give the scions a much needed break after Endwalker.
Though personally I thought Endwalker was a good stopping point I get that this is an mmo so there can never really be an end. I’m pretty sure even FFXI is still getting new content!
- Comment on Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth's open world is inspired by The Witcher 3 and Horizon 1 year ago:
Yeah, I think that’s why I didn’t have an issue with it. I remember only doing maybe 1 or 2 of the barrels in the water in Skellige. I mostly used the question marks as small distractions as I went from one quest to another. I never focused on clearing them out.
You’re right that most of the items weren’t that rewarding to get. It’s mostly just busy work. Hopefully rebirth keeps that stuff to a minimum and just has a large map with cool locations and unique well written side quests. Maybe a few collectibles scattered around the map to reward exploration too.
- Comment on Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth's open world is inspired by The Witcher 3 and Horizon 1 year ago:
I remember liking Witcher 3’s. It made the world feel large and lived in. Although I’m not the kind of person who needs to complete everything on a map. I have heard people complain about that
- Comment on Is Destiny 2 Still Worth Playing in 2023? - IGN 1 year ago:
I tried Destiny 2 when it went free to play with some friends and none of us had a clue what was going on. Just go do these missions with minimal story reasons or explanation.
We got through the first area and to the main hub but it just seemed boring. Played a bit more after that but saw no improvements in the second area when it came to missions or story. I’m not sure why someone new would ever play this game?
- Comment on Final Fantasy 14 Shows Off New Viper Class Alongside Final Fantasy 11 and 16 Crossovers - IGN 1 year ago:
Man, I want to get back into this game but just don’t have enough free time anymore… Glad I finished Endwalker though. At least that’s given me a bit of closure
- Comment on Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty receives an all-new cinematic trailer along with new Idris Elba videos 1 year ago:
I can’t wait for this game to finish being updated so I can play it. I always regretted playing Witcher 3 before the dlcs came out. I would like to play them some day but I feel like I’d need to replay the entire game again to get used to the controls and remember the story. I just don’t have enough free time to dedicate to that when there are other newer games I’d rather play instead.
- Comment on HADES II Development Update | Supergiant Games [Sept 14 2023] 1 year ago:
This will be a day 1 purchase for me once it’s out of early access. I loved the first one but still don’t plan on playing the game until it’s done. So hopefully 2025 will be when it releases for me!
- Comment on What game has a great story and is worth the time investment? 1 year ago:
This should be the top answer. I’m also a person that can’t really enjoy a game unless it has a good story and Disco Elysium blew me away. The best game to come out since 2019 as far as I’m concerned
- Comment on Final Fantasy XVI producer announces PC version is in development, along with 2 paid DLCs 1 year ago:
Wonder what the dlc will be about?
I have a few ideas but don’t want to put spoilers here.
If this is a continuation of the main story then I don’t mind but if this is just content placed in the middle of the story like FF 15 then I don’t know why I keep buying games on launch just to get a partially complete experience.
Let’s hope the difficulty of this dlc is also higher. I felt like in the main game Clive melted any non boss enemies after the halfway point of the game
- Comment on Sea of Stars Review Thread | (95/100 OpenCritic) 1 year ago:
Thanks for sharing the link!
Hmmm, maybe it’s possible but I think I’d rather not risk taking a two month break from the game. Guess I’ll need to wait till I have more free time
- Comment on Sea of Stars Review Thread | (95/100 OpenCritic) 1 year ago:
Anyone know how long this game takes on average to beat? I have about two weeks of free time but then I won’t have much time for gaming for around 2 months so wondering if I can fit this in or not?
- Comment on Final Fantasy 14: Dawntrail Expansion Revealed, Coming Summer 2024 1 year ago:
True, god Endwalker was so good
- Comment on Final Fantasy 14: Dawntrail Expansion Revealed, Coming Summer 2024 1 year ago:
Hope it’s good. Feels a bit weird going from Endwalker which honestly felt like a definitive ending to what looks like a beach episode in Mexico lol. I actually thought we’d be spending less time with the scions too and meet new characters instead but I guess not? I’m still excited though. Need to find some time to catch up to 6.5 before summer next year