- Comment on Microsoft "accepts responsibility" for issues raised in report on Chinese hacking against U.S. targets as officials start to lose trust in the company's ability to secure its service 9 months ago:
I think it’s more the cloud being the issue here. Such an obvious and large and valuable target. Of course Microsoft also isn’t that secure historically.
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
It’s also the anti commodity stuff IP has been allowing. If Hershey makes crap chocolate, there is little stopping you from buying Lidnt say. But if Microsoft makes a bad OS, there’s a lot stopping you from using Linux or whatever.
What’s worse is stuff like DRM and computers getting into equipment that otherwise you could use any of a bevy of products for. Think ink cartridges.
Then there’s the secret formulas like for transmission fluid now where say Honda says in the manual you have to get Honda fluid for it to keep working. Idk if it’s actually true, but I l’m loathe to do the 8k USD experiment with my transmission.
You’d think the government could mandate standards but we don’t have stuff like that.
- Comment on The fall of Firefox: Mozilla's once-popular web browser slides into irrelevance 1 year ago:
I’m still sad about the day the real Opera with the presto rendering engine died. And while Vivaldi is getting many of the features and functionality, it’s still a chromium rebuild. I guess it just takes too much money to build your own rendering engine anymore.
- Comment on Star Trek: Discovery | Final Season Exclusive Clip (CCXP 2023) | Paramount+ 1 year ago:
Honestly I’m constantly amazed it was on this long. I think not having ratings or traditional competition lets streaming shows go longer than they should.
It was never that good, and it just started declining from the pilot. I slogged through S3 due to “giving it a fair chance”, and I regret that every time I think about S3, which I’ve mostly forgotten. ANY other sci fi show and I would have dropped it probably in the first episode, or at my most tenacious in the first season.
- Comment on The horrible morals of a show supposed to teach them 1 year ago:
There was also Sisko using bioweapons for a personal vendetta, Odo not fitting in and constantly trying to go with the changelings who are a group of fascist racist violent manipulators, etc.
I haven’t seen DS9 since the first run I don’t think, so my memory is hazy, but did the show make those things “good things” or were they flaws in the characters?
- Comment on The horrible morals of a show supposed to teach them 1 year ago:
since it sort of still is Dax, it adds on top of Jadzia’s crap.
Is it though? Isn’t that one of the things they deal with a lot with Trill - are different hosts actually “the same person”? I’d argue it’s “partially at best” and is one of the interesting things about the concept of personhood over time sci-fi deals with. In a lot of ways, Ezri is at best like a 30 year time difference in the real world, but maybe even more like a sister/cousin at the more extreme side of being different.
- Comment on The horrible morals of a show supposed to teach them 1 year ago:
I don’t know if Star Trek ever had a really strong coherent overarching morality, but it certainly doesn’t now. The Disco and newer shows are such a mishmash of different people and a different time that they seem often the opposite of what people thought TOS and TNG might have been. DS9-Enterprise were kind of the “in-between” IMO. So there’s at LEAST 3 different sets of sort of framework for what the canon/story/morals even are that it’s kind of hard to discuss as a whole coherently.
Then there’s always the people who take stuff as “cool” that the show didn’t want to portray as “good”. There are plenty of media examples of “cool” bad guys. Look at all the Ducat lovers in DS9, he was pretty explicitly intended and they thought portrayed as a villain, but a complex one. The whole last season turning him into a moustache twirling caricature was to try and “fix” this “misunderstanding” by a troubling portion of the fans.
The whole Prime Directive waffling is well known to fans, and generally there to specifically create conversation about the colonial vs anti-colonial ideals starting in TNG and morphed over time to now. I don’t think the show in a meta sense promotes the prime directive as a good thing - the amount of character struggles and flat out breaking it makes me pretty sure it’s a “no obvious right rule” exemplar.
Disco and on is generally so poorly written that it’s hard to say if they have a message to push inside the show. Most of what we know is from Twitter posts and interviews cause it’s so hard to tell what’s supposed to be the point of the actual show in many cases. With Georgiou I think they’re trying to tell an anti-hero redemption story of some sort. Some idea that anyone can change and deserves a new chance (I think it’s beyond second here). Take out the extremes for the drama and being a show and this is about as obvious as the prime directive as an ideal. It’s not the worst, but I can’t say it’s always valid either IMO.
I think you get from Star Trek what you decide to take from it - it’s entertainment first, not moral education.
- Comment on Star Trek: very Short Treks | "Walk, Don't Run" 1 year ago:
Yea, that’s kind of painful.
- Comment on Best Star Trek Books 1 year ago:
The Wounded Sky (IMO better across the galaxy instant drive story than Discovery) My Enemy, My Ally Doctors Orders The Invasion series Uhuras Song Black Fire The Romulan Way Yesterday’s Son Time for Yesterday
- Comment on Episode Discussion | Star Trek: Strange New Worlds | 2x10 "Hegemony" 1 year ago:
For the number of ships, by TOS there are only 12 Constitution class ships, so there might not be more ships to send. We’re a year or so out from the Klingon war, and it doesn’t seem like the Federation is in a position to quickly replace ships. They already lost the Cayuga. Also the admiralty obviously isn’t interested in a Gorn war at all, and certainly not over this planet or the potential survivors.
I will say it’s been shown that Pike is just not a fighting captain. He’s not the person you want in a combat situation. It does make me wonder why he’s a Captain but idk. They really should send the Enterprise back on a deep space mission of exploration and have someone (who is not an evil mirror universe person) more like Lorca or Kirk running these border conflicts or something.
- Comment on What Star Trek Mannerism or Phrase Do You Often Use 1 year ago:
Sadly, no. I’ve never quoted Star Trek without intentionally being in “Star Trek Fan” mode. I know, not exciting, but true.