- Comment on Anon meets his gf's parents 8 months ago:
GDPR for Dummies. GDPR is DSGVO in German, “Datenschutz-Grundverordnung”.
- Comment on Why English language is sometimes "lazy", sometimes not 8 months ago:
I think what you mean is compound words vs other words?
Wikipedia says there are lots of compound words in English.
Plaintiff is borrowed from old french. Litigation from Latin…
I suppose it boils down to when and under what circumstances a term was needed to describe something. Sometimes there was a word from another language available. Or the whole subject came from a different culture. And sometimes they just described it with a compound of what it resembles. And how they did it depends on when it happened.
- Comment on Anon meets his gf's parents 8 months ago:
- Comment on Is there any real physical proof that Jesus christ ever existed? 8 months ago:
My summary is oversimplified. I still think it’s the correct answer to OP’s question: is there physical evidence. Because there isn’t anything physical. But there are written records from a bit later, suggesting that somebody with that name must have existed. Glad someone else thinks I picked the correct article. Seems it’s not that easy to find good information. The English speaking internet is filled with low quality efforts to portray the facts in a way they’d like to have them.
I have a few good books though. Back when I was young (and became an atheist,) I used to read a lot about philosophy, the political message of the New Testament. And what life was like in that time.
- Comment on Is there any real physical proof that Jesus christ ever existed? 8 months ago:
Agree. But that specific article seems pretty alright. Also talks about the relics and history records for example by Flavius.
There also is a Wikipedia article which I think is not written that well. And a lot of education material by churches or religious organizations which I did not cite for obvious reasons.
- Comment on Is there any real physical proof that Jesus christ ever existed? 8 months ago:
- Comment on I was explaining to my daughter about the differences between Gimp and Photoshop and saw that Adobe had a page that claimed to compare the two. It never compares the two. It barely mentions Gimp. 8 months ago:
I think they don’t take inspiration from Photoshop. Either it’s been a clone of a different product at some time or they developed it themselves. Hence the differences. I mean the whole UI doen’t really resemble similarity to Photoshop.
- Comment on is it illegal to create a ticket on reddit? 8 months ago:
I think most people here have went through the 5 stages of grief. And at this point they don’t care anymore. At least not to the degree they used to. It’s been a year. Life goes on. Don’t waste your time on being negative and spamming someone who once let you down. Look forward and spend your time on something useful. At leas that’s my opinion.
- Comment on Why do some folks insist they'll only listen to their doctors? 8 months ago:
Yeah, the internet is an echo chamber. You get lots of bad advice here. And urban myths are regularly being upvoted to no end. Especially here on Lemmy.
Usually a doctor should know things, they studied medicine for years.
And there are people with certain attitudes… People who only respond well to arguments of authority… And people who have a different perspective on subjectivity/objectivity and the factual world. Lots of people just want to believe something. And they’ll search for any fake news supporting them or letting them believe whatever supports what they’re set on.
I’d say if you’re intelligent and know how to do research, and have the time to do so, look up things and learn things. If you can’t do that: Stick with authority.
- Comment on Are business cards still a thing? 8 months ago:
Is there an alternative?
- Comment on What do you do with Nazi memorabilia? 8 months ago:
Donate it to an Escape room or some artsy installation that’s set in that time.
- Comment on Don't you all get tired of the constant negativity? 8 months ago:
In short: Yes. It’s dragging me down, too.
I’d like to focus on positivity. I mean negativity comes with strong emotions and I don’t want to get rid of it. But I’d like to see more positive things, too. People sharing side projects and nice things they’ve done and created. There needs to be a better balance.
- Comment on Am I ruining my liver? 8 months ago:
Ah, alright. Yeah interaction of medication is a complicated thing. I’d advise you to ask your specific questions to a doctor. Is it okay to take them at the same time, is it okay on an empty stomach, is it okay to take that dose of paracetamol x-times in a month… Maybe they suggest an alternative to Paracetamol that works better and has less side-effects, thus being more appropriate for you, individually. And I think doctors have access to databases and general recommendations concerning drugs and reciprocity and (case) studies. They’re probably more qualified to make a judgement and know about possible superior alternatives.
- Comment on Am I ruining my liver? 8 months ago:
Talk do your doctor.
a) Paracetamol on it’s own isn’t healty for your liver if take regularly.
b) Headache is one of the adverse drug effects of Paracetamol. Maybe you’re getting those headaches from it.
- Comment on Are shrunken heads a rights violation? 8 months ago:
Fair enough. I, too, think parts of dead bodies aren’t collector items or to be used for random purposes. Maybe for education an science. But that’s it.
- Comment on Is a peanut butter sandwich a balanced meal? 8 months ago:
Mainly sugar, more sugar, oil and carbs from the wheat.
- Comment on Anyway to make $20 a day online consistently? 8 months ago:
I’d say apply some of their specific skills instead of competing at unskilled (and low-pay) labor. Maybe draw illustrations or pictures. Computer programming. Cut videos for some Youtuber…
- Comment on How come no true use for recent AI developments has been found yet? 8 months ago:
I think most of the media coverage is hype. That doesn’t directly answer your question… But I take everything I read with a grain of salt.
Currently, for the tech industry, it’s main use is to generate hype and drive the speculation bubble. Whether it’s useful or not, slapping the word “AI” on things and offering AI services increases the value of your company. And I personally think if they complain about this, it’s they want the bubble even bigger, but they already did the most obvious things. But that has nothing to do with “find use” in the traditional sense (for the thing itself.)
And other inventions came with hype. Like smartphones (the iPhone.) Everyone wanted one. Lots of people wanted to make cash with that. But still, if it’s super new, it’s not always obvious at what tasks it excels and what the main benefits are in the long term. At first everyone wants in just because it’s cool and everyone else has one. In the end it turned out not every product is better with an App. And neither a phone, nor AI can (currently) do the laundry and the other chores. So there is a limit in “use” anyways.
- Comment on AI Ruined My Year - Robert Miles 8 months ago:
I’m pretty sure he did this out of this own motivation because he thinks/thought it’s a fascinating topic. So, sure this doesn’t align with popularity. But it’s remarkable anyways, you’re right. And I always like to watch the progression. As far as I remember the early videos lacked professional audio and video standards that are nowadays the norm on Youtube. At some point he must have bought better equipment, but his content has been compelling since the start of his Youtube ‘career’. 😊
And I quite like the science content on Youtube. There are lots of people making really good videos, both from professional video producers and also from scientists (or hobbyists)/who just share their interesting perspective.
- Comment on AI Ruined My Year - Robert Miles 8 months ago:
And maybe have a look at his Youtube channel and the older videos, too. Lots of them are a bit more philosophical and not too technical for the average person. I think he’s quite inspiring and conveys very well what AI safety is about to grasp what AI Safety is about, and what kinds of problems the scientists are concerned with in their jobs.
- Comment on Anthropomorphic 8 months ago:
Pics or it didn’t happen.
(Seriously, I’d like to see the source of this story. Googling “Tim the pencil” doesn’t bring up anything related.)
- Comment on Is cloudflare breaking the internet or fixing it? 8 months ago:
I think the correct way to handle this is to include a bad-bot blocker in your webserver. There are plenty scripts and addons available for the common software stacks.
There are also local and privacy-respecting Web Application Firewalls like ModSecurity, Janusec, Vulture Project (I haven’t yet tested them) which could maybe do the same thing.
We’re all subject to these crawlers, bots and vulnerability scanners. I also run 3 small websites including mail and a few other services. I rarely block some bot that downloads images over and over again. And fail2ban blocks a lot of brute-forcing attempts. Other than that, the traffic they cause isn’t that much compared to a single other service like Matrix chat or some Fediverse software that causes lots of HTTP requests all day long. It runs without Cloudflare or other third-party services for years on my slow home internet connection. Back then even on a single board computer (like the Raspberry Pi.)
So my experience is a bit different. And that I can run 3 websites on a RasPi on a 15MBit connection just fine and other people need Cloudflare for a 1000MBit VPS makes me think it’s snake-oil. But yeah, I agree if you block the bots, they stop after some time. That’s also my experience. But the traffic isn’t that much in the first place and there are better ways to do it in my opinion.
- Comment on Is cloudflare breaking the internet or fixing it? 8 months ago:
I think the correct way to handle this is to include a bad-bot blocker in your webserver. There are plenty scripts and addons available for the common software stacks.
There are also local and privacy-respecting Web Application Firewalls like ModSecurity, Janusec, Vulture Project (I haven’t yet tested them) which could maybe do the same thing.
We’re all subject to these crawlers, bots and vulnerability scanners. I also run 3 small websites including mail and a few other services. I rarely block some bot that downloads images over and over again. Other than that, the traffic they cause isn’t that much compared to a single other service like Matrix chat or some Fediverse software that causes lots of HTTP requests all day long. It runs without Cloudflare or ither third-party services for years on my slow home internet connection. Back then even on a single board computer (like the Raspberry Pi.)
- Comment on Are shrunken heads a rights violation? 8 months ago:
Another question would be: What to do with the head now that it’s been that way for hundreds of years? Burn it? Bury it? Would any of that help and align with what the person who originally ‘owned’ that head wanted?
- Comment on How do you get into wild camping, it seems so overwhelming and a lot of information to try and gather? 8 months ago:
Read a good book on the subject (or two). In my experience that’s way better information and more comprehensive than gathering info on the internet.
And I’d agree, start small. Practice first and raise the bar as you learn.
- Comment on Is cloudflare breaking the internet or fixing it? 8 months ago:
Mostly breaking it. They’re centralizing stuff and nowadays lots of services depend on that single service provider. And the original idea of the internet was to make everyone equal and have some resilience against single points of failure. That’s kind of detrimental to the whole idea.
Secondly, you unencrypt your traffic and send it to them plain so they can read everything. That may or may not be any issue in your use-case, but I like privacy and encryption and no third parties reading my messages.
- Comment on How am I supposed to decide who to vote for in local elections? 8 months ago:
Because campaigning works differently across the globe. So does media coverage and politics and how the different parts of legislative share competence/responsibility.
I’d say you need to follow local news and what happened in the last years to make an informed decision. See which party/politicians built children’s playgrounds, did something useful for the community and which major tore down the shops in the city center to make space for more lucrative office buildings… It’s really difficult to tell if you don’t knkw what’s happening around you but just following world politics. And where I live they have some scarce information online. And you can also go to them if they do some campaigning and listen to them or read some advertising material.
- Comment on Is lemmy now what reddit used to be 10+ years ago? 8 months ago:
I don’t remember that many political arguments. At least not this way conservative<->progressive. I remember them mostly from the comment section of news articles and YouTube videos (since YT has been a thing and of course Twitter. But less so from dedicated discussion places like forums and such. But my perspective is probably skewed. I wasn’t really part of early Reddit. And I’m not American and we have/had different discussions here. Well… Maybe I wasn’t that interested in political discussions on the internet when I was young(er). But the places I used to frequent were more focused on specific topics, technology and not about ideology (apart from free software ideology.)
But trolling, flaming, baiting etc has been part of internet culture for a long time. I don’t remember how they called brigading before Reddit. I think that is a term I learned in the last few years.
- Comment on Huhu 8 months ago: is broken as of now. You can’t upload images here. Sign up at
- Comment on Is lemmy now what reddit used to be 10+ years ago? 8 months ago:
No. I’d say the whole internet felt different 10+ years ago. Including this, what people are on here and how they behave. And I’d day the average intellect is different. But that could also be me growing up.