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#ChristFollower, #FLOSS lover, aspiring (read: lazy) road #Cyclist, fair weather reader of #Literature, arbitrary #Music / #Movies snob, hopelessly inept #Gamer, #OpenStreetMap armchair editor.
Expect irrationality, anything Linux (configuration, gaming, debugging), and random pseudo-philosopher nonsense. Basically, I don't make sense most of the time.
I boost anything I find funny, ironic or thought-provoking.
Expect irrationality, anything Linux (configuration, gaming, debugging), and random pseudo-philosopher nonsense. Basically, I don't make sense most of the time.
I boost anything I find funny, ironic or thought-provoking.
- Comment on How do I get the RSS feed of a Pleroma user? 2 years ago:
Someone that follows my
RSSatom feed just let me know that the atom feed is in the HTML head as well…re: your most recent fediverse post: you can also grab
<link href="/users/TinfoilSubmarine/feed.atom" rel="alternate" type="application/atom+xml">
from the html<head>
which most feed readers will do automatically if you paste a URL in. - Comment on How do I get the RSS feed of a Pleroma user? 2 years ago:@realcaseyrollins @Fediverse
https://social.beckmeyer.us/users/tinfoilsubmarine.rss is the format for mine